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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler grandly held a symposium to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party and "further emancipate the mind and have new responsibilities and new actions in the new era"
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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler grandly held a symposium to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party and "further emancipate the mind and have new responsibilities and new actions in the new era"

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2018-07-03      Origin: Site

        On June 30, the Jiangsu Sifang Boiler Branch Committee of the Communist Party of China grandly held a symposium to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the party and "further emancipate the mind and have new responsibilities and new actions in the new era" in the party member activity room of the Sifang Boiler Headquarters Building.More than 20 party members, probationary party members and representatives of party activists participated in the event.Ye Feng, member of the branch committee and general manager, delivered a speech.Around the celebration of the party's birthday, to further emancipate the mind, to have new responsibilities and new actions in the new era, all the participants had a sincere and enthusiastic discussion and exchange.Branch Secretary Luo Yu presided over the meeting.

         The celebration and symposium that day began with the majestic national anthem; all party members stood up, swore an oath in unison facing the party flag, and revisited the oath of joining the party.

Comrade Ye Feng's speech
       Comrade Luo Yu delivered a speech on behalf of the company's party branch.He said, today, we have a grand gathering here to warmly celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, to review the glorious history of our party's 97th anniversary together, and to organize further emancipation forums, discussions and exchanges in accordance with the requirements of the superior party committee.Just now, all the party members who attended the meeting took the oath to the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, celebrated the party's birthday, and enhanced our sense of pride, responsibility and mission.Here, the branch committee of the company would like to extend holiday greetings and high respect to the vast number of party members who have worked hard in all positions of the company!

Comrade Chang Chuanjian of the sales company was the first to speak

Comrade Cheng Jie of the Technical Department delivered a speech
       The Communist Party of China has gone through a glorious course of 97 years since its birth.These 97 years are the 97 years when our party explored the truth of saving the country and tried to strengthen it, and opened up the road of national independence and national rejuvenation; it was the 97 years when our party continued to grow and win the support of the people with practical actions and brilliant achievements.Over the past 97 years, our party has always insisted on combining Marxism with Chinese revolution, construction, and reform practice, and successively created Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, "Three Represents" important thought, Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping's New Era Society with Chinese Characteristics. Under the guidance of these brilliant ideas, the Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve national independence and people's liberation through arduous revolutionary struggle and magnificent modernization drive, establish the basic socialist system, and create a The new situation of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has achieved brilliant achievements that attract worldwide attention, and our country has embarked on a new journey of scientific development, harmonious development, and leapfrog development.

Comrade Yao Lanhua from the Technical Department delivered a speech

Comrade Duan Xintong from Sifang Building Materials City gave a speech

       The Provincial Party Committee has decided that from April 2018 to the end of this year, the emancipation of the mind will be widely discussed in the province with the theme of "learning new ideas, reforming and starting again, opening up and taking new steps, and developing high-quality".In the past few days, provincial, municipal, district, and town party committees have mobilized at all levels, emphasizing the requirement to mobilize the whole province to rise up a wave of ideological emancipation, in order to build a "strong, prosperous, beautiful and high" new Jiangsu and promote high-quality development. Ideological consensus, gathering majestic spiritual power.

Comrade Di Yajuan of the Technology Department delivered a speech

Comrade Zheng Qingqing of the Technology Department delivered a speech

Comrade Ma Lin of the Technical Department delivered a speech
       Promoting the emancipation of the mind is an urgent task to forge ahead in the new era and undertake a new mission.To study and implement "new thinking" and implement the important instructions of the general secretary, we urgently need to emancipate our minds. Only by emancipating our minds and changing our ideas can we promote the important instructions of the general secretary to take root and bear fruit, and submit satisfactory answers with excellent results. .Leading the new normal of the economy and promoting high-quality development urgently requires us to vigorously emancipate our minds. If our minds are not emancipated and our concepts are not changed, we cannot overcome "shift anxiety". A new realm of quality development.To improve the development orientation, we urgently need to emancipate our minds.Deepening reform and opening up and creating development advantages urgently requires us to vigorously emancipate our minds. The 40 years of reform and opening up is a process of emancipating our minds. Emancipating our minds is a "magic weapon" to break through obstacles and lead reform and development. The reform and opening up started again, and efforts were made to inject stronger impetus into development.

Comrade Yang Yun from the Technical Department delivered a speech

Comrade Feng Yanxiang from the Technical Department delivered a speech

Comrade Tan Yan from the Finance Department delivered a speech
       To promote the emancipation of the mind, we must adhere to problem orientation and lead practice breakthroughs.Based on the actual situation of the enterprise, firstly, we must emancipate the mind in promoting the transformation and upgrading of products, accelerate the construction of a product system that conforms to the industry, the market, and the innovation and development of the enterprise, so as to clearly understand that the product competitiveness is not strong, the product structure is not optimal, and the comprehensive management is still relatively extensive. and other problems, get rid of the traditional development path, continue and vigorously develop high-tech products, focus on promoting the development of three major environmental protection, energy saving, and high-efficiency leading products, and realize "Phoenix Nirvana" in the "labor" of "vacating the cage and changing the bird" ".Second, we must emancipate our minds in improving technical support sales, deepening lean 6S management, and comprehensively enhance enterprise development.

Comrade Ye Jianguang from the Production Department delivered a speech

Comrade Luo Shiwen of the Material Supply Department delivered a speech
       If we want to seize the opportunity in the second entrepreneurship of enterprises and the new round of development competition in the industry, we must continue to emancipate our minds, seize the opportunities of national environmental protection and clean energy policies, and promote high-quality development of enterprises.First, in terms of cohesive innovation, it is necessary to increase investment in innovation and research and development, and gather innovation elements with greater policy strength and better platform carriers.In this regard, the company has implemented the "Project Responsibility System" with the technical master as the leader for the first and second technology departments, improving policies, improving treatment, strengthening responsibilities, and establishing and improving incentive mechanisms to further strengthen the engine of technical backbones. Momentum and technology underpin strong sales momentum.Second, we must emancipate our minds in promoting green development and create new advantages for sustainable development.At present, environmental protection issues are still a prominent shortcoming of high-quality development in the region. We must unify our thinking and be firm, actively and actively respond to the city's steady promotion of air pollution prevention and control, and resolve to solve the main problems of environmental protection to ensure that enterprises are compliant, legal and clean. Civilized production.Third, we must emancipate the mind in promoting the responsibility of party members and managers at all levels, boost the spirit of assisting the secondary development of enterprises, improve the mechanism of encouragement, encouragement, fault tolerance and correction, and effectively allow the company to encourage exploration and innovation, and encourage officers to start businesses. The orientation is clearer.

Comrade Ma Shiqing of the Production Department delivered a speech

Comrade Hu Xiaoqing of Quality Control Department delivered a speech
      To promote the emancipation of the mind requires strengthening organizational guidance and creating a favorable environment.It is necessary to carefully organize and lead the leadership, all party members and all management personnel must play the role of the "key minority", and with the demonstration role of daring to take responsibility and daring to take responsibility, promote the formation of senior executives to work with ease, departments to work with confidence, and to let the top and bottom work openly. vivid situation.It is necessary to systematically plan and promote it in a normal way, throw down the body, go deep into the post machine, discover prominent contradictions, formulate effective measures, solve practical problems, and form institutional results.It is necessary to give full play to the pioneering and exemplary leading role of every Communist Party member in each department and position, strengthen publicity, create an atmosphere, and form a good atmosphere in the company where everyone participates in discussions and emancipates their minds, and leads the company's transformation with great emancipation. Develop high-quality, work together to speed up the process of achieving the overall planning goals of the year, and make new and greater contributions to our Sifang boiler for the construction of "strong, rich, high, and high" new Xuzhou.
       A party member with a flag.Participating party members Chang Chuanjian, Cheng Jie, Yao Lanhua, Duan Xintong, Di Yajuan, Ma Lin, Zheng Qingqing, Feng Yanxiang, Tan Yan, Ye Jianguang, Luo Shiwen, Hu Xiaoqing, Wang Guan and the representative of the party activists Ma Shiqing and other comrades, respectively combined their own work And life, talk about the sincere feelings, glory, pride and mission responsibility of the party.Everyone unanimously stated that they should further emancipate their minds based on their ideology and work reality, strengthen their determination and confidence to follow the party and do practical things, always keep in mind the oath of joining the party, and constantly strengthen the sense of mission and responsibility of the Communist Party members. In the various positions of , sales development, service guarantee and management improvement, we will give full play to the pioneering and exemplary leading role of the Communist Party members, and make new contributions to the party building and business development of the enterprise.

Comrade Wang Guan of the Technical Department made a speech

      Before the symposium ended, Comrade Ye Feng made a concluding speech.He said that the company's party lineup is getting stronger and stronger.Most of the comrades joined the party organization in the army and colleges and universities. Everyone is the leader and the vanguard.Today, the branch requires every party member to wear the party emblem, which is to hope that under the new situation, comrades will not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, further emancipate their minds, remain advanced, dare to take responsibility, and have the courage to contribute.At present, the market competition in the industry is intensifying, the production, operation and comprehensive management tasks of enterprises are heavy, and the pressure of peak season is gradually emerging.Every party member and comrade must further emancipate the mind, play the role of a banner, stand on the post, pressurize and forge ahead, and demonstrate the pioneering and exemplary leading role with practical actions.It is necessary to strengthen ideals and beliefs, be loyal to the oath of joining the party, be loyal to the party's cause, be loyal to professional ethics, and practice the promise of integrity.It can stand the test of any difficulties, temptations, pressures and challenges, and show an advanced image with their consistent integrity and honesty, solid and effective job performance, and new responsibilities and actions.

When the agenda of the meeting was over, all the participants stood up, and the celebration and discussion ended successfully with the vigorous and majestic sound of "The Internationale".


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