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Tongshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau came to our company to inspect and guide the work
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Tongshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau came to our company to inspect and guide the work

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2016-04-01      Origin: Site


    On the afternoon of April 1, more than 30 people including Chen Xinhao, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Tongshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, came to the Group Boiler Company to inspect and guide the work.The company's deputy general manager and quality assurance engineer Deng Yizhong accompanied the reception, on-site visits, and reported the company's situation.

    In the conference room on the third floor of the group engineering company, Deputy General Manager Deng came to inspect and guide Deputy Director Chen, etc., and briefly introduced the basic situation of our company, focusing on the design and manufacturing qualifications of our company's boilers and pressure vessels, product structure characteristics, quality Management points and market tracking mechanism.

    Deputy Director Chen fully affirmed the development achievements of our company as a special equipment industry in recent years, and thanked the company for its reception.

    Accompanied by Mr. Deng and others, Deputy Director Chen and his party 30visited the boiler and container production workshop of the Boiler Company.

    Further reading: Tongshan District Market Supervision Administration——


 In accordance with the work requirements of the provincial and municipal editorial offices, higher-level party committees and governments on promoting the reform of the market supervision system, the Tongshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau was established in June 2015.Since its operation, it has fulfilled the responsibilities of the former Xuzhou Tongshan Administration for Industry and Commerce, Xuzhou Tongshan Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, and Tongshan Food and Drug Administration, and implemented relevant national, provincial and municipal administrations for industry and commerce, quality and technical supervision, food Drug supervision and management and other laws, regulations and rules, and effectively do a good job in the supervision and management of the market in the region.In order to strictly perform their duties and strengthen high-quality services, the complaint and reporting mechanism has been integrated to form a unified complaint and reporting system involving the responsibilities of industrial and commercial administration, quality and technical supervision, and food and drug supervision and management. The 12331 application (complaint) reporting platform has realized "three in one", established the district market supervision and administration bureau's complaint and reporting command center, improved the complaint and reporting network, and better protected the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and producers and operators.

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