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The heavy steel workshop of Jiangsu Sifang boiler drum production line was grandly started
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The heavy steel workshop of Jiangsu Sifang boiler drum production line was grandly started

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2016-09-16      Origin: Site

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 The heavy steel workshop of Jiangsu Sifang boiler drum production line was grandly started

    The golden wind is refreshing, and the sweet osmanthus is fragrant.At about 9moon , the clouds and fog dispersed over 1610:00 a.m. on the morning of the 9the Xuzhou China Resources Industrial Park 1, and the sun was shining brightly; on the project site of 10the factory area on the west side of the headquarters of Jiangsu Sifang Boiler Company, many brand-new shovels were surrounded by colorful silk and erected; beside the construction machinery, The monogram standing high with white characters on a red background -is particularly eye-catching: the opening ceremony of the heavy steel workshop project of Jiangsu Sifang boiler drum production line.The main leaders of the two sets of the party committee and government of Liuxin Town, the media friends of the Tongshan District News Center, the chairman and general manager of Sifang Boiler and other senior management representatives, the project supervisor and the person in charge of the construction unit gathered at the scene, chatting and laughing, and welcomed the well-prepared The project commencement ceremony was held.


    9At 60:00 , the groundbreaking ceremony officially began.First, Chairman Duan Xuqiang of Sifang Holding Group gave a speech. He briefly introduced the main situation of the project, and put forward the main requirements of the company's enterprise management department for the overall management of the project construction, project supervision and project contractors.

    In the warm applause, Liang Shilong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Liuxin Town and mayor of Liuxin Town Government, who is in the project area, made a warm speech on behalf of the town committee and the town government.While congratulating the project on schedule, he fully affirmed Sifang Boiler as an outstanding representative of advanced manufacturing enterprises in the private machinery industrial park.In recent years, the company has closely followed the national environmental protection and energy saving policy, relying on scientific and technological innovation, from small to large, industrial fission, and group development is vigorous.Its expansion scale, development speed and business performance are obvious to all, and have made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of the town.He said: The construction project of the steam drum production heavy steel workshop started today is an important milestone in further seizing new opportunities, meeting the needs of new products, new technologies and new markets, promoting the company to become bigger and stronger, and achieve sustainable development.

    Mayor Liang gave a high-level overview of the important impact of the project's construction.He said that the start of the project will further optimize the industrial structure of the town's private machinery industrial park, promote industrial upgrading, expand the economic aggregate, actively create high-tech industrial clusters such as equipment manufacturing, and accelerate the formation of a growth pole that boosts the town's economic development. And the new engine will also have a positive and far-reaching impact.

    Mayor Liang said that the whole town will, as always, adhere to the concept of "people-oriented, service-oriented", and make every effort to provide first-class environment and first-class service for the project, and provide a solid guarantee for the construction and development of the project.At the same time, he sincerely hoped that Sifang Boiler and the construction unit of the project, based on first-class standards, ensure first-class construction, achieve early completion, early production, and early benefits. Make new and bigger contributions!

    At the end of the ceremony, in the sound of firecrackers, the town party committee, government secretary Wang, mayor Liang, deputy secretary Miao, deputy secretary Shi, and deputy mayor Gao; Chairman of Sifang Boiler Section, General Manager Ye; The representative of the project contractor broke ground for the project!



  It is understood that the construction project of Jiangsu Sifang boiler drum production heavy steel workshop has a total investment of about 100 2million yuan, covering an area of 90​​mu.The first phase of the project, which started on the same day, covers an area of 40​​mu, with a construction area of 10000​​more than square meters, a total investment of about 800010,000 yuan, and a construction period 5of one month.After the project is completed and put into production, it will drive the company's current 70000production workshop of nearly square meters, and the leading product can form a 480production capacity of ultra-high pressure boilers below ton.The company's boiler research and development, manufacturing, sales and services will all be transformed into efficient, environmentally friendly, and energy-saving intelligent series of products, providing domestic and foreign customers with integrated solutions for boiler engineering, and further meeting new products, new technologies, and new market needs.The output value of the enterprise has doubled, the annual sales will exceed 10more than 100 million yuan, and the profit and tax can exceed 500010,000 yuan 20.

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