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The group company organized a delegation to inspect the Internet industry in Xinyi City to learn from the enterprise network marketing and information-based intelligent management
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The group company organized a delegation to inspect the Internet industry in Xinyi City to learn from the enterprise network marketing and information-based intelligent management

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2016-12-02      Origin: Site


              12On 1January 1, Chairman Duan Xuqiang led a group of general managers of the two major industries of Sifang Boiler and Sifang Building Materials Decoration City, as well as the heads of relevant departments and staff 14mainly involved in network management , to inspect the Internet industry and network marketing management in Xinyi High-tech Zone. Model enterprise.Wang Changchang, Secretary of Xinyi Municipal Party Committee, Yang Yuanchao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Xinyi City, cordially received the delegation, Wu Kuixian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xinyi Development Zone, and He Gaoqiang, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Bureau of Xinyi Development Zone, accompanied the entire inspection team. , introduce the relevant situation.

    In the morning of the same day 7, the delegation drove through the fog, set off on time, and 309arrived at Xinyi High-tech Zone in the morning.

    Accompanied by Wu Kuixian, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xinyi Development Zone, and He Gaoqiang, deputy director of the Economic Development Bureau of Xinyi Development Zone, the delegation visited the 4.0under-construction companies Bikang New Medicine, Information products, intelligent information collection systems, Bingchen Electronics featuring the Internet of Things, WMS smart warehousing, logistics, and manufacturing e-commerce, Woniushan waterproofing guided by smart workshops, DCS automatic production, automatic packaging production lines, "Yicaitong" Limin chemical 4home enterprise relying on the online procurement platform.

    At noon, in the canteen of the municipal government, Wang Changchang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Yang Yuanchao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, warmly welcomed Chairman Duan and his party.Mayor Wang briefly introduced the development strategy of Xinyi City's strong support for the Internet industry in recent years, put forward the requirements of "all people' access to the Internet', promoting the 'integration of industrialization and industrialization'", and concentrated on optimizing the development of the soft environment and element support, promoting the city's E-commerce industry development, etc.

    As the leader who worked in Liuxin that year, Secretary Wang has always been concerned about the construction and development of Sifang Boiler.After Chairman Duan briefly reported the company's development plan, Secretary Wang put forward his opinions and hopes for the development of Sifang Boiler to focus on innovation and improvement, intelligent manufacturing and value-added services.

    Seeing is better than seeing.Secretary Wang hopes that enterprises will come out more, take a look, and effectively improve their new understanding of enterprise network marketing, electronic procurement, enterprise information and intelligent management. Combined with the actual situation of enterprises, further increase investment in e-commerce talents and equipment systems, and effectively strengthen Information support to promote the sustainable development of enterprises.

    In the afternoon, Secretary Wang specially arranged for the delegation to visit the Xinyi Internet Industrial Park, which is mainly based on important functions such as online business incubation, youth entrepreneurship gathering, and e-commerce talent internship training, as well as a workshop that reflects the operation of the intelligent sorting system. Beauty Garden.

    E-commerce is an important engine driving economic growth, and also an important starting point for stimulating the vitality of sustainable and healthy development of enterprises.With the deepening of the national "Internet + " strategy, the direction of enterprise e-commerce, informatization, and intelligent management is irreversible, and the market competition under this platform and environment will be more intense.How to build an electronic marketing and information management system that is conducive to the standardized management and healthy development of the enterprise has been included in the important agenda of the development of the group company.

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