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The core intention of "Made in China 2025"
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The core intention of "Made in China 2025"

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of "Made in China "2025The core intention

Source : Central Government Portal   2015/7/17 14:29:15Industry  Information    

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing 5Yueri 19(Reporters Hua Yedi, Zhang Xinxin, Wang Pan) Made in China is taking the first step of "from big to strong".The State Council recently issued "Made in China 2025", deploying to comprehensively promote the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a strong country.This is the first ten-year action plan for my country to implement the strategy of manufacturing a powerful country.The reporter sorted out six key words and tried to describe "Made in China ".2025the core intention of

Manufacturing power

If one word is used to describe the whole connotation of "Made in China 2025", the answer of Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, is "from big to strong".

After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has built a relatively complete industrial system, and the industrial scale accounts for 20about % of the world's manufacturing industry.However, the independent innovation capability of the manufacturing industry is insufficient, the key core technologies are controlled by others, the brand quality level is not high enough, and the industrial structure is not reasonable, and it is still "big but not strong".

"We put forward the 'Three Steps' strategy, and strive to enter the forefront of the world's manufacturing powers by the 100th anniversary of the founding of New China. "Made in China 2025" is the first step in the 'Three Steps' strategy It is also the first time that China has systematically put forward a programmatic plan to build a powerful country. " Miao Wei said.

Li Beiguang, deputy director of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believes that currently developed countries have chosen to revive the manufacturing industry, not only because the manufacturing industry has created jobs and has a huge volume, but also has a deeper meaning to boost the country's overall innovation.

How to achieve a manufacturing power?Miao Wei believes that the first step is to increase the pace of integration of the two industries, use informatization to drive the development of the entire manufacturing industry, and let Chinese manufacturing include more Chinese creation factors.At the same time, promote intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, promote the integrated development of producer services and manufacturing, and enhance the level and core competitiveness of manufacturing.

made in China

In "Made in China 2025", an urgent transformation is from "Made in China" to "Created in China": adhere to innovation-driven, and place innovation at the core of the overall development of the manufacturing industry.

"The internal and external environment of economic development is undergoing profound changes. Facing the weakening of traditional advantages and increasingly fierce international competition, it is urgent to speed up the transformation from Made in China to Created in China. " said Mao Weiming, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

A concrete manifestation of China's creation is technological innovation.The continuous innovation and development of technology will not only drive the productivity improvement and product performance improvement in the traditional manufacturing field, but also bring about the emergence of a large number of new materials, new energy, new biological products and new equipment in strategic emerging industries.

China's R&D investment scale has been at the forefront of the world in recent years, 2013with an annual R& D investment of 100 11800million yuan, and the R&D investment intensity exceeded 2% for the first time.However, compared with the world powers, there is still a big gap in industrial innovation capability.

Statistics show that China's technology dependence on foreign countries is as high as more than 100 50%, and 95100% of high-end CNC systems, 80% of chips, almost all high-end hydraulic parts, seals and engines are imported.

Li Beiguang said that it is necessary to put the enhancement of innovation capability in a more prominent position, strengthen key core technology research, accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, improve innovation capabilities in key links and key areas, and take an innovation-driven development path.

Smart Manufacturing

In "Made in China 2025", intelligent manufacturing is positioned as the main direction of Chinese manufacturing.

In Miao Wei's view, to achieve intelligent manufacturing, we must not only adopt new manufacturing technologies and equipment, but also infiltrate the rapidly developing information and communication technology into factories, build cyber-physical systems in the manufacturing field, and completely change the production organization of the manufacturing industry. methods and interpersonal relationships, bringing about innovative changes in manufacturing methods and business models.

"A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is emerging. Information technology, biotechnology, new material technology, and new energy technology are widely infiltrated, driving a mass technological revolution in almost all fields. The core is intelligent manufacturing." Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhou Ji said.

Li Dong, deputy director of the Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that intelligent manufacturing will bring "two improvements and three reductions" to the manufacturing industry: "two improvements" refers to a substantial increase in production efficiency and a substantial increase in the comprehensive utilization rate of resources. Improvement; "Three reductions" means that the development cycle is greatly shortened, the operating cost is greatly reduced, and the rate of defective products is greatly reduced.

Li Dong revealed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released the implementation plan for the pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing, and plans to select 30more than one pilot demonstration project this year. In the future, the pilot demonstration will be implemented for three consecutive years 2017.

green manufacturing

Fully implement green manufacturing; comprehensively promote the green transformation of traditional manufacturing industries such as iron and steel and non-ferrous metals; implement plans to improve the level of cleaner production in key regions, river basins, and industries; formulate standard systems for green products, green factories, green parks, and green enterprises, and carry out green evaluation... In "Made in China 2025", "green" is scattered and becomes the main color throughout the whole text.

Mao Weiming believes that putting green manufacturing as one of the main directions is an inevitable choice for the sustainable development of the manufacturing country's manufacturing industry has still not gotten rid of the extensive development model of high input, high consumption and high emission.

Data show that China's energy consumption last year 42.6About 100 million tons of standard coal, about 70% is industrial consumption; the water consumption of 10,000 US dollars of industrial added value 569is much higher than that of Japan 88and South Korea 55.

To solve the constraints of development and resources and environment, the only way out is green development.To accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries and improve the efficiency of industrial development, it is also necessary to establish an efficient, clean, low-carbon, and circular green manufacturing system.

Gao Yunhu, director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will build a green manufacturing system, including building green factories, implementing green manufacturing, increasing recycling, and advocating green consumption, and establish strict standards and evaluation mechanisms. If it does not conform to green manufacturing, it will also be on the "blacklist".

Chinese quality

"Made in China 2025" proposes to adhere to quality as the lifeline of building a strong manufacturing country, strengthen the main responsibility of enterprise quality, strengthen quality technology research, build a regulatory standard system, quality supervision system, and advanced quality culture, create a market environment for honest management, and follow quality. A winning development path.

High quality is one of the important signs of a strong manufacturing industry. It reflects the overall strength of the country from the perspective of market competition. It is not only a manifestation of the core competitiveness of enterprises and industries, but also a symbol of the degree of civilization of the country and nation; The integration of factors such as the quality of the author is also a comprehensive reflection of the legal environment, cultural education, and integrity construction.

Made in China urgently needs to break through the quality bottleneck.According to Sha Nansheng, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's quality and reliability of some key materials, components and core systems are not too high, and they have long relied on imports.To change the low-level, low-value-added manufacturing situation, we must start with quality.

For more than ten years, the overall quality of my country's manufacturing industry has been continuously improved, which has better ensured the stable growth of consumption and sustainable economic development.With the changes in consumer demand, people's requirements for quality are also increasing day by day. In the field of daily consumption, quantity consumption is transitioning to quality consumption.

Jia Fuxing, president of the China Association for Quality, said that quality is an important theme in the new stage of economic development, and it is also a theme that the government, social organizations, enterprises and consumers pay attention to and participate in. All social forces should participate in quality improvement.

Chinese brand

Realizing the transformation of Chinese products into Chinese brands is "Made in China ".2025another important goal put forward by

At present, China is the second largest manufacturing country in the world, but it is only a big OEM country, not a big brand country.China's exports are OEM products.90More than % of

The difference between OEM and brand is directly reflected in profit.The price of a Barbie doll in the US market is about 10US dollars, and the FOB price in China is only 2US dollars. After deducting the cost, the gross profit of OEM production is only a small amount 0.35Dollar.The lack of brands has resulted in Chinese enterprises only being at the low end of the global industrial chain and working hard "making wedding dresses for people".

"Made in China" must have its own international famous brand.With the accelerated pace of "going out" of Chinese enterprises, more and more Chinese brands have jumped onto the international stage.Among the latest global brands 500, a Chinese 29mainland brand is on the list.

From a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power, from an OEM power to a brand power, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more world-renowned Chinese brands that will become dazzling "Chinese business cards" in the international market.


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