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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress inquired about the implementation of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law
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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress inquired about the implementation of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law

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China Environment News reporter Guo Weiyue 7reported 10in Beijing that the fourth meeting of the 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee held a joint group meeting today, and conducted a special inquiry in conjunction with the review of the air pollution prevention and control law enforcement inspection report.

Li Zhanshu, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, presided over the special inquiry.Li Zhanshu pointed out that the implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, the comprehensive implementation of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, and the enhancement of the people's happiness in the blue sky are the experience and experience of this law enforcement inspection, and it is also a main line running through this "legal inspection".The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, "one government, one committee and two houses" must firmly establish "four consciousness", improve political standing, resolutely implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee, work together, dare to take responsibility, and restore the blue sky and white clouds to the common people. The stars twinkled.With a sense of urgency that the time does not wait for me, we must intensify our efforts, speed up governance, and step up tackling tough problems; we must strengthen problem orientation, treat both the symptoms and root causes, and focus on addressing the root causes; we must combine the actual pollution prevention and control practices in various places, and implement classified policies and precise efforts; we must strengthen the coordination among various departments. Coordinate with each other, fulfill their responsibilities, promote and ensure the full and effective implementation of various laws and resolutions in the field of ecological and environmental protection, and make due contributions to the battle against pollution.

State Councilor Wang Yong attended the meeting on behalf of the State Council to listen to opinions and answer inquiries. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture Responsible comrades from the Ministry of Rural Affairs, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments attended the meeting and answered inquiries.

Solving outstanding ecological and environmental problems and resolutely winning the battle to defend the blue sky is the top priority

When answering the question of what measures the State Council will take to prevent and control air pollution in accordance with the law and resolutely win the battle to defend the blue sky, Wang Yong said that solving outstanding ecological and environmental problems and resolutely winning the battle to defend the blue sky is the top priority. In order to meet rigid requirements, strengthen joint prevention and control, and basically eliminate heavily polluted weather.

He pointed out that in order to implement the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, promote environmental protection, and win the battle to defend the blue sky, the following aspects should be focused on.First, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of the "Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War" to significantly improve the quality of the atmospheric environment.Not long ago, the State Council issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War", which clarified the overall thinking, main goals, and main directions of air pollution prevention and control in the next three years, including key measures and tasks, and proposed a timetable for winning the blue sky defense war. , roadmaps, including construction drawings.We must take the implementation of the three-year action plan as a key starting point for the prevention and control of air pollution in the next three years, and pay close attention to its implementation.Accelerate the formulation of assessment methods, proceed steadily and step by step, and ensure the completion of the objectives and tasks specified in the three-year action plan.Second, improve the legal system and scientific and technological standard system to provide basic support for the prevention and control of air pollution.It is necessary to speed up the research and formulation of regulations on the management of pollutant discharge permits, and establish a pollutant discharge permit system covering all fixed pollution sources; study and formulate access conditions for high-energy-consuming, high-polluting and resource-based industries, revise the guidance catalogue for industrial structure adjustment, and improve the elimination of excess capacity in key areas. standards, and speed up the publication of a list of toxic and harmful air pollutants.Third, strengthen supervision and law enforcement, and further consolidate the responsibility for ecological and environmental protection.Strengthen the linkage of departments, implement "one post with two responsibilities", give full play to the role of the air pollution prevention and control coordination mechanism, and further form a prevention and control work pattern in which each department is responsible for its own responsibility, division of labor and cooperation, and joint management.Continue to carry out the central environmental protection inspector "Look back", actively explore the implementation of "double random, one public" supervision model, strengthen and optimize grass-roots environmental protection capacity building, and provide a strong guarantee for environmental justice.Fourth, deepen the reform of the environmental governance system and accelerate the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of air pollution.

Establish and improve the air pollutant discharge standard system and promote the development of the pollutant discharge permit system

Some members proposed how to improve a more stringent air pollutant emission standard system?

Zhao Yingmin said that the first is to further do a good job in the evaluation of emission standards and increase the formulation and revision of standards, mainly in view of the current shortcomings of emission standards in the control of VOCs and ozone pollution, and to further improve the national emission standard system to make the industry cover more. Wider scope, pollution control is more targeted.The second is to fully implement the emission standard plan, greatly reduce the illegal behavior of exceeding the emission standard, comprehensively use economic policy means, promote the upgrading and transformation of pollution control technology, and lay the foundation for further tightening the emission standard limit.

In response to a committee member's proposal 2020on how to build the pollutant discharge permit system into the core system of environmental management by the end of the year, Zhao Yingmin said that through the pollutant discharge permit system, a change has been achieved in promoting fixed source environmental management 4.First, the extensive management and control of pollutants discharged by the pollutant-discharging unit has turned to the refined management and control of the discharge outlet of the pollutant-discharging unit.The second is to shift from the management and control of four major pollutants to the coordinated management and control of multiple pollutants through pollutant discharge permits.The third is to focus on the control of pollutant emission concentration and turn to the dual management and control of enterprise emission concentration and total emission.The fourth is to shift from the management and control of general pollutant discharge to the management of enterprise discharge behavior during special periods such as daily management and heavily polluted weather.

Zhao Yingmin said that this law enforcement inspection report also raised relevant issues on the implementation of the pollutant discharge permit system, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will seriously study and implement it.The first is to speed up the construction of supporting regulations for the reform of the pollutant discharge permit system, and to issue regulations on the management of pollutant discharge permits as soon as possible.The second is to speed up the full coverage of pollutant discharge permits, so as to issue an industry, clean up an industry, and regulate an industry.Next year, main air pollutant emissions from stationary sources will 80% of the the goal of covering more than 2020be achieved, and by this year, full coverage of all stationary sources will be achieved.The third is to further increase the intensity of evidence-based supervision and law enforcement.

Promote regional joint prevention and control, and form synergy among all regions and departments

Some members asked, what further improvement measures and institutional arrangements will my country have in the comprehensive coordination of air pollution prevention and control in the future, so as to better enable various regions and departments to form synergies and achieve coordinated development?

"During the implementation of the 'Ten Atmospheric Regulations', the exploration of inter-departmental cooperation and regional collaborative pollution control has helped us to deepen the joint prevention and control mechanism in the next step, and solve the problems of long-distance transmission of air pollution and mutual influence between regions. The attempt has also laid a very good foundation for us." Zhao Yingmin said that in the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to thoroughly implement the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law, in accordance with the requirements of the "Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War" issued by the State Council , give full play to the role of the existing mechanism, further adjust and optimize the scope of joint prevention and control, further expand the areas of inter-departmental cooperation, and continue to improve air quality.

First, deepen and improve the working mechanism of joint prevention and control of air pollution.Adjust the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control cooperation group to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control leading group, with the leading comrades of the State Council as the group leader, to further strengthen the leadership and execution of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional cooperation mechanism.In addition, establish a cooperation mechanism for air pollution prevention and control in the Fen-Wei Plain, and include the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control leading groups for overall leadership. Long-term cooperation mechanism between regions.

Second, carry out key areas of tackling operations.On the basis of the State Council's "Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War", the three major regional air pollution comprehensive control action plans in autumn and winter will be formulated and implemented as soon as possible. . Start with the adjustment of land use structure, increase the production control of industrial enterprises in autumn and winter, decompose and implement tasks and measures to each city, coordinate the deployment of national environmental law enforcement forces, implement cross-local law enforcement, and resident supervision to ensure that all measures in the plan are in place.

Third, carry out regional emergency linkage for heavily polluted weather.In accordance with the principles of zoning guidance and regional unification, all key regions shall unify the grading standards for early warning of heavy pollution weather, consolidate emergency plans and emergency emission reduction measures, and carry out inventory management to achieve full coverage of gas-related enterprises. Implement regional emergency linkage during weather.

Fourth, implement the responsibilities of all parties and strengthen accountability.In accordance with the requirements of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening Ecological Environmental Protection and Resolutely Fighting the Tough Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control", we should promptly issue a list of responsibilities for the ecological and environmental protection of the relevant departments of the central and state organs, decompose the tasks and implement them in each department, and strictly implement "Party and government departments". The same responsibility ""One post and two responsibilities", the implementation of the relevant localities and departments will be included in the State Council's major inspections and related special inspections.


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