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Policies and capital subsidy standards for coal-fired boiler renovation in various provinces and cities across the country
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Policies and capital subsidy standards for coal-fired boiler renovation in various provinces and cities across the country

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North Star Thermal Power Network News : With the development of coal-fired boiler renovation work, an environmental protection boom in boiler renovation has been launched all over the country. In addition, the relevant departments have implemented certain subsidy policies for users of coal-fired boilers that have been renovated on schedule. "Green Revolution" even more hot !

[ Gansu Province ] 2018Special fund subsidy measures for the upgrading and renovation of the latest coal-fired boilers in Lanzhou City,

Lanzhou City provides financial support to the owners of coal-fired boiler renovation and governance in accordance with the principle of "small is not big". The specific subsidy methods are as follows:

1. of a single 1ton /-hour or 0.7megawatt ( inclusive ) coal-fired boiler The clean energy transformation 1010,000 steam ton;/will be subsidized according to the standard of

2. Subsidies will be given to coal-fired heating boilers that have reached the special emission limit of air pollutants of the national boiler according to the standard of 5ten thousand /steam ton, and the subsidy fund shall not exceed 30% of the total investment quota of the project.

3, The clean energy transformation of coal-fired heating boilers for public units a single 1ton /-hour or 0.7megawatt will ( including schools, health centers, hospitals, township governments or sub-district offices and other public units ) under be subsidized according to the actual heating area, and the subsidy standard It is 100yuan /square meter.

[ in Henan Province ]2018The latest subsidy standard for coal-fired boiler renovation and governance

Before the promulgation of the "Henan Province 2018Annual Air Pollution Prevention and Control Implementation Plan", Henan Province did not issue specific boiler subsidy standards, but Henan cities and counties have issued local subsidy standards for coal-fired boiler transformation and low-nitrogen combustion transformation.

This time, Henan Province has implemented the method of capital reward and subsidy that decreases year by year:

1. Grant 2018year ;10of coal-fired boilers that have been demolished before the end of the 610,000 steam ton /bonuses and subsidies of not less than

2. Grant 2019year ;10of coal-fired boilers that have been demolished before the end of the 410,000 steam ton /bonuses and subsidies of not less than

3. 2020year .10No more financial incentives will be given to coal-fired boilers that have been demolished before the end of the

In addition, the elimination methods of boilers this time mainly include demolition and elimination, replacement of central heating boilers, coal-to-gas, coal-to-electricity ,to geothermal, wind energy, solar energy, and biomass energy equipped with bag filter, ,excluding the replacement of clean coal, water, etc. Coal slurry, anthracite, blue carbon, green coke, crude oil, etc., when dismantling coal-fired boilers, the chimney must be removed or the flue physically cut off ,so that it does not have the conditions for resumption of production.It is strictly forbidden to use the waste coal-fired boilers that have been shut down or eliminated to obtain bonus funds.When coal-fired boilers are newly converted to natural gas, they must simultaneously realize low-nitrogen transformation.

Hebei Province Coal-fired Boiler Treatment Special Fund Subsidy Measures

The number of industrial boilers in Hebei is very large, so it 10is very difficult to eliminate coal-fired boilers below 1 ton.In order to supplement the steady progress of the control work, Hebei Province has formulated the "Hebei Provincial Administrative Measures for Financial Subsidy Funds for Comprehensive Air Pollution Control at the Provincial Level". The detailed boiler subsidies are as follows:

1, Subsidy standard for replacing coal with electricity in rural areas

Subsidies are given to of the investment in the purchase and installation of household equipment (including the renovation of indoor wiring) , and the 85% maximum subsidy amount for each household shall not exceed 7400by the province, city and county , and the 1/2 , which shall be borne rest shall be borne by the user; 0.2RMB /The kWh subsidy shall be borne by the province, city and county each , with a , maximum subsidy of 10,000 kWh per household 1and the subsidy policy and standard are tentatively determined 3.

2, Subsidy standard for replacing coal with gas in rural areas

Subsidies are given to of the investment in the purchase and installation of gas equipment 70% for each household, and the maximum subsidy amount for each household shall not exceed 2700RMB.the province, city and county each , and the 1/2 of rest is borne by the user; a gas price subsidy for heating gas 1per /cubic meter is given, and the maximum subsidy gas volume per household per year is 1/3, 1200and the province, city, and county each bear 1/3 , and the subsidy policy and the standard tentative year; the highest 3household in the construction village is given , which is borne by the province 4000investment subsidy for each 1000and the city and county 3000.

3, Coal-fired boiler treatment subsidy standard

The subsidy funds will subsidize the transformation and elimination of coal-fired boilers, and the 10,000-yuan steam ton that has been demolished will be banned separately, and the 10,000- 3steam /ton that will be transformed into clean energy 8yuan /.

4, Thermal power shutdown and phase-out subsidy standards

Provincial-level awards and subsidies are given to the shutdown groups according to 300RMB /1000 kilowatts, which has been included in the national "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan".Except for the elimination and shutdown of planned units, illegal construction of units, units at the end of their operating life, and selection of power capacity index transactions.

[Shandong] Qingdao Coal-fired Boiler Elimination and Treatment Subsidy Standard

2017Since the beginning of the year, Qingdao City has issued a total of 100 2.4million yuan in subsidies for coal-fired boiler waste gas treatment and renovation, which is 2014year- to-year. In the 2016the sum of the 2018year, the city will also invest 3.5100 million yuan to subsidize the ultra-low emission renovation of coal-fired boilers.

2017From January to October of this year, the number of days with "blue sky, white clouds and twinkling stars" in Qingdao increased year-on-year 16, reaching more than 289of the total number of days. The 95% of fine particulate matter ( PM2.5 ) and inhalable particulate matter ( PM10 ) reached average concentration 35Microgram /cubic meters and 70microgram /cubic meters have improved by 16.7% and 14.6% year-on -year, which is the best level in the same period in the past five years 1677.

Qingdao boiler subsidy policy standards:

2014From year to 2016year, the municipal finance subsidizes 100 million yuan for the high-efficiency treatment and renovation project of coal-fired boilers 2.3, and starts to give a 2016per steam ton for coal-fired boiler waste gas treatment and renovation 10subsidy of 10,000 yuan 2016. Yes), since the 2017beginning of the year, a cumulative subsidy of 100 million yuan has been issued, which is 2.4of the previous three years ( 2016year- year), and an 2016the sum 2018annual investment of 3.5100 million yuan will be used to subsidize the ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired boilers.

[Jiangsu] Suqian Coal-fired Boiler Elimination and Rectification Fund Subsidy Program

1, Boiler management scope:

2017At the end of the year, the renovation tasks of coal-fired boilers below the steam ton in urban areas 10the /the coverage of the natural gas pipeline network will 10-20 steam ton /boilers with 2018be fully completed. By the end of the year, the urban area will be fully completed 20and /. 35within /renovation of coal-fired The following coal-fired boiler renovation work.2017Before the end of the year, all types of high-polluting fuel boilers in use in the high-polluting fuel-burning prohibited areas in urban areas will all be stopped, or use natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, electricity and other clean energy sources.

2, Suqian coal-fired boiler demolition and modification subsidy measures:

In order to help enterprises reduce the cost of switching to clean energy, the "Work Plan for Accelerating the Centralized Remediation of Coal-fired Boilers in Urban Areas" proposes a series of supporting policies and measures, and specifies subsidy standards.A one-time subsidy for the dismantling of coal-fired boilers is given to enterprises that adopt the central heating method, and the steam price supports the independent negotiation of the enterprise, and no separate subsidy is provided; subsidies are given to the energy cost of coal-to-pipeline natural gas enterprises; coal-to-electricity enterprises are subsidized Subsidies are given for coal-to-electricity investment; for liquefied natural gas converted to pipeline natural gas, the subsidy policy is the same as coal-to-pipeline natural gas boilers.The subsidy period is 20172018two years.

The plan is divided into four categories according to the boiler remediation method to clarify the subsidy standards: for the conversion to central heating, the subsidy is divided into grades according to the capacity of a single boiler, and the subsidy amount does not exceed the evaluation value of the replacement cost of the boiler; for coal to pipeline natural gas, According to the actual gas consumption per cubic meter will be given for two consecutive years; for coal-to-electricity conversion, 0.76, a subsidy of yuan 20% of the investment in coal-to-electricity conversion is given; fourth, for liquefied natural gas to pipeline natural gas, the subsidy standard is the same as coal a one-time subsidy of Change the way of pipeline natural gas.

[Jilin] Changchun grants financial subsidies for coal-fired boiler governance and renovation

Changchun City, Jilin Province is actively promoting the transformation and management of coal-fired boilers. Recently, the Changchun Environmental Protection Bureau has reviewed the coal-fired boilers that meet the 174conditions 9180application 1.8.

In order to continuously improve the city's air quality, the Changchun Municipal Government continues to increase financial investment, give full play to the guiding role of financial funds, and accelerate the promotion of coal-fired boilers to upgrade and reform.In the "Changchun City 2017Annual Coal-fired Boiler Pollution Control Financial Subsidy Program", the boiler subsidy standard is clarified. For non-electric coal-fired boilers of 20ton /-hour and above that complete the treatment and renovation on time, a subsidy of 210,000 yuan per ton is provided.

In addition, in order to fully grasp the number of boilers that meet the application requirements, the Changchun Environmental Protection Bureau organized the environmental monitoring station of the environmental protection department to carry out compliance monitoring of coal-fired boilers, and 2017prioritized monitoring of coal-fired boilers that plan to apply for annual financial subsidies for coal-fired boiler pollution control.And organized scheduling meetings many times to publicize and answer the requirements of subsidy standards, and urge all relevant units to speed up the work process related to financial subsidies for coal-fired boiler governance

[Jiangxi] Measures for the distribution of subsidies for the transformation and elimination of coal-fired boilers in Yichun

In recent years, Yichun City has implemented a comprehensive energy-saving and environmental protection improvement project for coal-fired boilers, phasing out 75% of coal-fired boilers with a steam capacity of 1 ton per hour or less in the central urban area 10, and prohibiting the construction of new coal-fired boilers with a capacity of 20less than 1 ton steam per hour; New 10coal-fired boilers with a capacity of less than 1000 tons of steam per hour.

Recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance issued a special subsidy fund for boilers to provide subsidies to enterprises that area of ​​Yichun .2015the 2016eliminate coal-fired boilers with less than 1 ton of steam per year in 10urban /central The subsidy standard for this time is: for the elimination of coal-fired boilers with 2steam ton /hours or less, the subsidy standard is 110,000 /units; for the elimination of coal-fired boilers with 2-10 steam ton /hours of steam, the subsidy standard is 210,000 /units.

[Shandong] Government subsidy standard for ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired boilers in Shandong

In order to speed up the transformation of the province's coal-fired units (boilers) with ultra-low emissions and further improve the quality of the atmospheric environment, Shandong Provincial Finance has raised funds 4.26of 100 million yuan for two consecutive years to implement the incentive and subsidy policy. Allocate 100 million 2yuan to 2016reward cities that have completed their annual tasks well, to ensure that the province's ultra-low emission transformation tasks 2018completed by the end of the year .10for coal-fired units of 10,000 kilowatts and above, and coal-fired boilers with a single 10steaming ton /-hour or more are

It is understood that the incentive funds are divided into two parts: First, the ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired units will be rewarded 1012610,000 yuan.According to completed by each city , 10the acceptance scale of ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired units below 10,000 kilowatts 3.510,000 yuan /MW .the incentive funds will be allocated according to the standard of The second is 10,000 yuan of incentive funds for ultra-low emission of coal-fired boilers 9000.The funds 10ton-hours of steam that has completed acceptance in each city to the scale that should be accepted. For cities with a completion rate of /are based on the proportion of the scale of coal-fired boilers with more than 10,000 40% and the top three in the province, 3000incentive funds will be allocated according to the standard of 10,000 yuan per city.By giving full play to the guiding and stimulating role of financial funds, cities are encouraged to transform, reduce emissions, and benefit early, so as to complete the province's ultra-low emission transformation goals with high quality and quantity.

The transformation of coal-fired boilers has become a consensus. Zhengzhou Boiler Factory can realize energy saving and consumption reduction and reduce pollution by implementing energy-saving transformation of coal-fired boilers. Moreover, if the existing coal-fired boilers have low energy consumption and run for a long time, Zhengzhou boiler can We can also customize solutions for coal-fired boiler transformation according to your boiler site conditions.

[Zhejiang] Preferential subsidy policy for the elimination of coal-fired boilers in Zhejiang

By 2014the end of the year, about 10,000 boilers of various types were registered in Zhejiang Province 3.95, accounting for 10% of the total boilers in use in the country .Among them, 95% of coal-fired industrial boilers have a 10steaming capacity of less than ton /hour, which is large in number, small in capacity and low in energy efficiency.By the end of last year, the whole province had eliminated pots (kilns) 3353stoves , fulfilling the task assigned by the state.

Zhejiang Province issued the "Notice on Further Promoting the Elimination and Transformation of Coal-fired (Heavy Oil) Boilers (Kilns)", which comprehensively supports the elimination and transformation of boilers (kilns) in terms of policies, funds, prices, and resources.Before the end of this year 6, the provincial government will establish a province-wide phase-out information database. Like Zhuji, it will be entered together with the phase-out transformation method and the photos before and after the transformation of coal-fired boilers, which will be used as the basis for assessment, acceptance and grant issuance.

2017In 2018, the environmental protection department of Zhejiang Province will actively promote the elimination and transformation of coal-fired boilers (kilns), focusing on the good 4road "close ".The first is the entry level. Whether the discharge of pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides meets the total control requirements is a precondition for the approval of the EIA of the construction project. The project of 20ton of steam is not allowed to go through the EIA procedures./heavily polluting fuel boilers with less than one The second is to supervise the customs, and strengthen the inspection of law enforcement.The third is to force the closure. For coal-fired boilers that have not been eliminated as required, the pollutant discharge concentration or total amount exceeding the standard will be doubled, and the pollutant discharge fee will be doubled if both exceed the standard.The fourth is the assessment, and strengthen the supervision of related work.

[Guangxi] Government subsidy funding standard for the renovation of small coal-fired boilers in Yulin built-up areas

Guangxi boiler dismantling and renovation objects: 10steam ton hours or less in the built-up area;/coal-fired boilers with a capacity of

Guangxi boiler transformation subsidy objects: dismantling and cancellation, deactivation and cancellation, coal-fired boilers to natural gas, central heating, coal-fired boilers to oil-fired boilers (light diesel boilers burning high-quality oil fuel, methanol boilers, alcohol-based fuel boilers, etc. ), use a special boiler to burn biomass briquette fuel (that is, use a special biomass boiler).Note: Boilers that change from coal to direct-fired biomass will not be subsidized.

Guangxi coal-fired boiler renovation and clean energy boiler replacement subsidy program:

1, In accordance with the capacity of coal-fired steam boilers and coal-fired hot water boilers 1steam ton /, the subsidy is 10,000 yuan per 1;

2, Adjustment coefficient: According to the rectification method of small coal-fired boilers, divide 2the grade coefficients:

( 1) The coefficient of removal and cancellation method is1

( 2) Deactivation and cancellation, boiler coal-to-gas, boiler coal-to-electricity, coal-to-oil-fired boilers, and coal-to-biomass briquette fuel boilers have a coefficient of0.8

The final government's preferential policy subsidy amount for the demolition and modification of coal-fired boilers is calculated by multiplying the basic standard by the adjustment coefficient.

[Fujian] Fujian Province Coal-fired Boiler Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Improvement Plan and Clean Environmental Protection Boiler Subsidy Measures

Fujian coal-fired boiler transformation and clean energy boiler replacement goals:

By the 2018year, the average operating efficiency of coal-fired industrial boilers 2013will be increased by 1% on the basis of the 6high-efficiency boilers will be promoted ;4000steaming ton of 2017year, and the

1. Promote high-efficiency boilers: Select and promote products based on the energy efficiency test results of boiler stereotyped products. Newly renovated and expanded fixed asset investment projects and government procurement projects should give priority to 1products listed in the high-efficiency boiler promotion catalog or energy efficiency grades.(For example, the circulating fluidized bed boiler of Zhengguo Co., Ltd. ranks first in the National Development and Reform Commission's High-efficiency Boiler Promotion Catalogue)

2. Strictly access to new coal-fired boilers: It is forbidden to build new 20coal-fired boilers with a steam capacity of less than one ton per hour in the built-up areas of cities with districts 10.In the area covered by the central heating pipe network, new coal-fired boilers are prohibited.

3, Speed ​​up the elimination of outdated boilers: enterprises are prohibited from burning raw (bulk) coal, honeycomb coal, coke, charcoal, coal gangue, coal slime, coal tar, heavy oil, residual oil, all kinds of combustible wastes and direct combustion without burning in the prohibited combustion zone. Processed biomass and other highly polluting fuels, as well as diesel, kerosene, artificial gas and other fuels whose pollutant content exceeds the limit set by the state.(The formed biomass pellet fuel boiler meets the standard, non-direct combustion, and can be newly built)

4. Promote the adjustment of fuel structure: In areas that cannot be covered by heating and gas pipeline networks, large-scale coal-fired high-efficiency boilers or back-pressure thermal power units can be built to realize regional central heating, or electricity, biomass briquette fuel, coal-water slurry, etc. can be used instead. Clean fuel boilers ,or adopt clean coal combustion technology should meet the requirements of energy saving and environmental protection after transformation.

5, various development zones and industrial agglomeration areas such as chemical industry, ceramics, printing and dyeing, papermaking, tanning, pharmaceuticals, etc., should speed up the implementation of central heating transformation or clean energy replacement, so that the chemical industry can use chemical three-waste boilers, chemical plant natural gas steam boilers , Environmental protection gas boilers in paper mills, gas steam boilers in leather factories, low nitrogen gas boilers in pharmaceutical factories, etc.

Fujian coal-fired boiler governance subsidy:

For the transformation projects of with annual energy saving of 500more than ton of standard coal 4coal -fired boilers /, the provincial energy saving and circular economy special fund will give a 200RMB 100,000 of standard coal./reward of Encourage the use of contract energy management and other methods to guide enterprises and social funds to increase investment, and establish a market-based long-term mechanism to implement boiler energy-saving technological transformation.

[Sichuan] Sichuan coal-fired boiler energy-saving upgrade or policy subsidy support

2017In 2018, promoting the clean transformation of coal-fired boilers is an inevitable tough battle in Sichuan Province, including 2414the 10the need to eliminate and upgrade coal-fired boilers with a steam capacity of 1000 tons or less. By 2017end of the year , about 7of them have been completed 50% ; "Sichuan Province" The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan clearly requires that by 2020 2017, the built-up areas of cities at the prefecture level and above should basically eliminate coal-fired boilers with a steam capacity of less than 1000 tons 10per hour, and prohibit the construction of coal-fired boilers with 20a steam capacity of less than 1000 tons per hour." In this regard, Sichuan Province has issued specific financial subsidies for the transformation of coal-fired boilers for coal-fired boilers "coal to gas""coal to biomass" and other upgrade support policies.

The preferential standard of government subsidies for the upgrading of coal-fired boilers "coal-to-electricity" upgrades: for 1-10 steam tons, boilers and kilns with a single combined capacity of 2017the annual subsidy is 310,000 yuan 2018per steam ton, and the annual subsidy is 10,000 yuan per steam ton 2. The total subsidy amounted to 3000more than 10,000 yuan.

An example of the transformation of a coal-fired boiler in a cardboard packaging factory in Sichuan: a 4steam-ton coal-fired boiler consumes about a 60ton of coal every day.If the boiler "coal to gas" is carried out, 4each ton of steam produced by the ton boiler 1only 75m³ of natural gas is needed for . By calculating the operating cost of the 4ton coal-fired steam boiler and 4the ton low nitrogen natural gas steam boiler, it can be found that the cost per square meter of cardboard is higher than It turned out to be a dime reduction.

[Qinghai] The latest boiler in Chengzhong District, Xining City 2017"Coal to Gas" government subsidy policy

Goal of changing coal-fired boilers to gas-fired boilers:

Ensure that the "coal-to-gas" governance tasks of 20179date of 30areas covered by the natural gas pipeline network in the coal-prohibited areas are fully completed before the 10household 4.29steam ton coal-fired boilers and household small coal stoves in the Black smoke " phenomenon, to further improve the urban atmospheric environment quality.

Xining Chengzhong District Coal-fired Boiler Retrofit Clean Energy Management Subsidy Fund

1. "Coal-to-gas" governance subsidy is only for the cost of the basic part of "coal-to-gas" transformation, mainly including natural gas engineering construction costs (opening fees, branch pipe network sharing fees, engineering construction fees, design fees) , the purchase cost of the boiler body and auxiliary facilities.If the renovation of the management unit occurs in boiler room construction, internal heating pipeline renovation, purchase of circulating pumps, third-party gas connection coordination, special natural gas construction, wall-mounted boilers for personal use, etc., it will not be included in the scope of management subsidies, and should be paid by the construction unit or Self-financing is done by individuals, and household heating mainly subsidizes the natural gas interface fee and the purchase fee of auxiliary facilities, and the specific subsidy standard is subsidized by RMB per household 3000.

2. "Coal boilers to natural gas" Governance subsidies are classified according to the different nature of the transformation units to formulate subsidy standards, and in principle are inclined to poor communities, bankrupt enterprises, religious monasteries and garrisoned troops.

3. The district government must arrange the corresponding treatment subsidy funds according to the ratio of city and the district (county) 1:1 between the for the "coal-to-gas" treatment subsidy within the jurisdiction, and ensure that the treatment subsidy funds are used for special purposes, in full.

4. For the newly added governance tasks due to the expansion of the coal-free zone and the extension and laying of the natural gas pipeline network, the district will supplement the governance subsidy fee according to the actual situation.

5. The subsidy standard is calculated according to the actual situation of the rectification and the total steam ton of the boiler before and after the rectification. If the total steam ton of the boiler after the rectification is greater than that before the rectification, it will be calculated according to the steam ton of the coal-fired boiler before the rectification. If the total steam tonnage of the boiler after the rectification is less than that before the rectification, it shall be calculated according to the steamed tonnage of the gas-fired boiler after the rectification.If it is changed to household heating after rectification, it will be calculated according to the subsidy standard of household heating.

6.2017Units that are included in the "coal-to-gas" governance task every year, such as the implementation of coal-to-electric boilers or solar heating equipment, if the transformation cost is higher than the "coal-to-gas" subsidy fund, refer to "coal-to-gas" subsidy standards Implementation; if the transformation cost is lower than the "coal-to-gas" subsidy fund, it will be subsidized according to the actual transformation cost.

[Tianjin] The government's special fund subsidy support policy for the low-nitrogen combustion transformation of Tianjin boilers

Tianjin low-nitrogen boiler renovation is a pollution control project for boiler users to effectively reduce the concentration of nitrogen oxide emissions by replacing low-nitrogen burners and replacing gas boilers as a whole.

Tianjin boiler low nitrogen combustion subsidy scope:

( ) Project units 1within the jurisdiction of 201681Tianjin that were built and used before the year, or 20168before the year, month, and date, 1the project units that have passed the environmental impact assessment documents ( including central, military, municipal, district and other units ) implement low-nitrogen transformation of boilers. After the nitrogen oxide emission concentration reaches 80milligrams /cubic meters or less, and the projects that are included in the scope of the central special fund subsidy, can apply for subsidy funds.

( 2) All project units within the jurisdiction of this municipality ( including central, military, municipal, and district-affiliated units ) implement low-nitrogen transformation of boilers. After the transformation, the emission concentration of nitrogen oxides reaches 30milligrams per /cubic meter or less, and it will be included in the central special fund Subsidized projects can apply for subsidy funds.

Tianjin Low-nitrogen Gas Boiler Renovation Fund Subsidy Standard

For gas-fired boiler low-nitrogen renovation projects, the amount of subsidy funds for a single project shall not be higher than the total approved investment of the project, and the subsidy standards are as follows:

( 1 ) Projects whose nitrogen oxide emission concentration value is less than or equal to for renovation by replacing low-nitrogen burners30milligrams /cubic meters

1. The capacity of a single boiler is less than or equal to 1steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 5.5 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

2. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 1steam ton and less than or equal to 4steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 2 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 3.5

3. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 4steam ton and less than or equal to 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.5 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 6

4. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than the 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.8 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

( 2 ) means of replacing low-nitrogen burners30-80 mgm3 by /Projects whose nitrogen oxide emission concentration value reaches

1. The capacity of a single boiler is less than or equal to 1steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 2.7 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

2. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 1steam ton and less than or equal to 4steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.2 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 1.5

3. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 4steam ton and less than or equal to 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.0 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 2.5

4. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than the 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.2 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

( 3 ) Projects whose through the overall replacement of boilers ( including modular boilers )nitrogen oxide emission concentration value is less than or equal to 30milligrams /cubic meters

1. The capacity of a single boiler is less than or equal to 1steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 9.6* boiler capacity ( steam ton )

2. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 1steam ton and less than or equal to 4steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 2.6 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 7

3. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 4steam ton and less than or equal to 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 2.5 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 8

4. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than the 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 2.9 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

( 4 ) Through the overall replacement of boilers ( including modular gas boilers ) , the nitrogen oxide emission concentration value reaches 30-80 mg /cubic meters of projects

1. The capacity of a single boiler is less than or equal to 1steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 4.6 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

2. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than 1steam ton and less than or equal to 4steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.6 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 3

3. The capacity of a single boiler is less than or equal to 4steam ton and less than or equal to 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( 10,000 yuan ) = 1.5 * boiler capacity ( steam ton ) + 4

4. The capacity of a single boiler is greater than the 20steam ton: subsidy fund ( ten thousand yuan ) = 1.7 * boiler capacity ( steam ton )

Note: ( 1) This boiler subsidy method does not support the project unit to carry out low-nitrogen transformation by means of terminal out-of-stock alone, by replacing low-nitrogen burners or replacing gas boilers as a whole, and supporting low-nitrogen transformation projects with terminal out-of-stock, and the subsidy fund standard refers to Replacing the low-nitrogen burner or replacing the gas boiler as a whole is performed.

( 2) When the subsidy funds are approved, the subsidy funds shall be calculated according to the number of boilers before and after the renovation of the boiler room and the capacity of a single unit, and the subsidy funds shall be approved with the lower value of the calculation results.

[Hainan] Project capital subsidy policy for the transformation of Hainan coal-fired boilers into clean energy and environmental protection boiler equipment

The subsidy objects for the dismantling and reforming of coal-fired boilers in Hainan include: coal-fired boilers are changed to natural gas, biomass briquette fuel and other clean energy boilers.The original coal-fired boilers to be replaced and transformed must be registered with the regulatory authorities, be in use, and meet the emission standards after the replacement and transformation.

Subsidies for the replacement and transformation of coal-fired boilers with clean energy: According to the tonnage of the original coal-fired boilers, a subsidy of 310,000 yuan per ton of steam is provided.

Note: Hainan Province will also give certain rewards to the demonstration units of economical public institutions that have passed the inspection and acceptance according to the national, provincial and investment status.

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