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On New Year's Day, 10,000 citizens of Xuzhou ran to welcome the new year.
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On New Year's Day, 10,000 citizens of Xuzhou ran to welcome the new year.

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2019-01-02      Origin: Site

      On January 1st 1, facing 2019the first ray of sunshine in the early morning of the new year, more than 10,000 people in our city rushed from the city to the Hubei Road Track and Field Field at six or seven in the morning to participate in the annual New Year's Day fitness long-distance running.

      Early in the morning 8, at the Hubei Road Track and Field Stadium, it was cold, but the voices were full of people.The Cheng fitness long-distance running team composed of Jiangsu Sifang Boiler and Sifang Winter Swimming Fitness Club, dressed in team uniforms, assembled and stood under the bright team flag.

The production department and other departments of the company attached great importance to this event and responded positively, showing strong organizational discipline, enthusiasm for participation and the concept of collective honor.

At noon 9 in the morning, the city's 64 first New Year's Day fitness long-distance running event and 2019 the annual national fitness sports conference held a launching ceremony.City leaders Feng Qipu, Li Junchao, Li Yan, Chen Ping, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee Liu Hanying, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government Zhou Guangchun and responsible comrades from various relevant departments of the city attended the ceremony.

At about 9time , Feng Qipu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, announced the departure of the long-distance running team.30the same The 70Jiangsu Sifang Boiler Team, which started No. 1, was uniform and heroic. In the sonorous and powerful slogan, it slowly ran across the rostrum.

"one two three four"!"Quartet, Quartet, happy and healthy ! " ,Quartet, Quartet, create greater glories!"With a sonorous stride and shouting the chant resounding in the sky, the Jiangsu Sifang Boiler team ran out of the track and field, running between the beautiful scenery of clouds, dragons, mountains and rivers, feeling the beauty of "a city with green hills and half a city with lakes" and a healthy and vibrant urban landscape.

  "Sifang boiler, refuel, refuel"!During the long-distance running around the Yunlong Lake, the whole course of about 7500meters, the Jiangsu Sifang Boiler team was neatly arranged, with vigorous steps and high spirits.Loud slogans, bright flags, and passion for the first place attract enthusiastic admiration and encouragement from cheerleading teams along the way from time to time.

      Happy to meet the prosperity of thousands of sails, live up to the spring.2018This year is the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the anniversary of reform and opening up 40, and the first year of the second venture of Jiangsu Sifang Boiler.Sifang Boiler has undergone transformation and upgrading, developed steadily, and further improved its corporate reputation, market reputation and industry influence.

      The new era carries new dreams, and new dreams start a new journey.2019In 2018, entrepreneurship and innovation will start again.All the staff of the company will devote themselves to their work with fuller enthusiasm and more exciting spirit, and build a happy family of Sifang Boiler with more high fighting spirit, and share a beautiful new life of high-quality development.

     Participating in this New Year's Day fitness long-distance running activity is not only to guide the majority of cadres and employees to establish a healthy concept, enhance physical fitness, and improve the quality of life, but also to boost morale, boost spirit, gather positive energy, and stimulate the entrepreneurial passion and work enthusiasm of the company's cadres and employees , with the spirit of hard work and enterprising spirit, to move towards a higher, faster and stronger goal!

Taking this long-distance running event as an opportunity, we will continue to strengthen our physique, work hard, and work actively. With more enthusiasm, higher fighting spirit, and more solid pace, we will further invigorate our spirits, develop and innovate, and work hard, so as to be good for Sifang Boiler. Fast development and hard work!

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