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Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War
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Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2018-07-11      Origin: Site

National [ 2018]22Issue

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all institutions directly under the Central Government:

The "Three-Year Action Plan for Winning the Blue Sky Defense War" is hereby issued to you, please implement it conscientiously.

State Department

2018 6month 27day

(This piece is publicly released)

Three-Year Action Plan to Win the Blue Sky Defense War

Winning the battle to defend the blue sky is a major decision and deployment made by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is related to meeting the people's growing needs for a better life, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and related to high-quality economic development and the construction of a beautiful China.In order to accelerate the improvement of ambient air quality and win the battle to defend the blue sky, this action plan is formulated.

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee, earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the requirements of the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference, and adhere to the new development concept Adhere to the common governance of the whole people, prevention and control at the source, and treatment of both symptoms and symptoms, focusing on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta region, the Fenwei Plain and other regions (hereinafter referred to as key areas), continue to carry out air pollution prevention and control actions, and comprehensively apply economic and legal , technology and necessary administrative means, vigorously adjust and optimize the industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure and land use structure, strengthen regional joint prevention and control, pay close attention to pollution control in autumn and winter, make overall planning, systematic planning, and precise policy implementation, and resolutely win the blue sky defense To achieve a win-win situation in environmental, economic and social benefits.

(2) Target indicators.After 3years of hard work, the total amount of major air pollutant emissions has been greatly reduced, greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced collaboratively, the concentration of fine particulate matter ( PM2.5 ) has been further significantly reduced, the number of days with heavy pollution has been significantly reduced, the ambient air quality has been significantly improved, and the people's blue sky has been significantly enhanced. sense.

By 20202020, the total emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides 2015will drop by more than 15% year-on-year ; PM2.5 concentrations in prefecture-level and above cities that do not meet the 2015standard will drop by more than 18% year-on-year , and the ratio of days with good air quality in cities at prefecture-level and above will reach 80% , the ratio of days with severe and above pollution 2015has dropped by more than 25% compared with the previous year ; provinces that have completed the "Thirteenth Five-Year" goals and tasks ahead of schedule must maintain and consolidate the improvement results; Binding target; Beijing's ambient air quality improvement target should be further improved on the basis of the "Thirteenth Five-Year" target.

(3) Scope of key areas.Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Xingtai, Baoding, Cangzhou, Langfang, Hengshui and Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province, Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng in Shanxi Province, Shandong Province Jinan, Zibo, Jining, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze City, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang City, etc. in Henan Province; Yangtze River Delta region, including Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province; The Fenwei Plain includes Jinzhong, Yuncheng, Linfen, Luliang City in Shanxi Province, Luoyang and Sanmenxia City in Henan Province, Xi'an, Tongchuan, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan City and Yangling Demonstration Area in Shaanxi Province.

2. Adjust and optimize the industrial structure and promote the green development of the industry

(4) Optimizing industrial layout.All localities have completed the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, the online use of resources, the compilation of environmental access lists, and clarified the industries, production processes and industry catalogs that are prohibited and restricted from development.Revise and improve the access conditions for high-energy-consuming, high-pollution and resource-based industries, and cities that do not meet the environmental air quality standards should formulate stricter industry access thresholds.Actively implement regional and planning environmental impact assessments, and environmental impact assessments for new, renovated, and expanded steel, petrochemical, chemical, coking, building materials, non-ferrous metals and other projects should meet the requirements of regional and planning environmental impact assessments.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment takes the lead, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Natural Resources participate, and local people's governments at all levels are responsible for implementation. The following all need to be implemented by local people's governments at all levels, and will not be listed here)

Increase the adjustment of regional industrial layout.Accelerate the relocation, renovation or closure and exit of heavily polluting enterprises in urban built-up areas, and promote the implementation of a number of relocation projects for heavily polluting enterprises such as cement, plate glass, coking, and chemical industries; and urban steel enterprises in key areas should effectively take measures to completely shut down, transform and develop, and renovate on the spot. , out-of-region relocation, etc., to promote transformation and upgrading.It is forbidden to add new chemical parks in key areas, and strengthen the rectification of existing chemical parks.Companies that have already decided to withdraw from the city must have a clear timetable, and those that do not leave the city will be suspended.(The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall be responsible according to their responsibilities)

(5) Strictly control the production capacity of "two high" industries.It is strictly forbidden to increase the production capacity of steel, coking, electrolytic aluminum, casting, cement and flat glass in key areas; strictly implement the implementation measures for the replacement of production capacity of steel, cement, flat glass and other industries; new, renovated and expanded construction projects involving bulk material transportation, in principle Road transport is not allowed.(The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Increase efforts to eliminate outdated production capacity and reduce excess production capacity.Strictly implement laws and regulations such as quality, environmental protection, energy consumption, and safety.Revise the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog" and raise the standard for eliminating excess capacity in key regions.In key areas, the elimination of independent coking enterprises will be increased, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas will implement "fixing coke with steel", and strive to 2020achieve a ratio of annual coking production capacity to steel production capacity 0.4.Strictly prevent the resurgence of "floor steel".2020In 2018, the steel production capacity of Hebei Province was controlled within 2100 million tons; steel enterprises included in the production capacity reduction plan should also withdraw from the supporting sintering, coke oven, blast furnace and other equipment.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take the lead, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration for Market Regulation will participate.)

(6) Strengthen the comprehensive rectification of "scattered and polluted" enterprises.Comprehensively carry out comprehensive rectification actions for "scattered and polluted" enterprises and clusters.According to industrial policies, industrial layout planning, and requirements of land, environmental protection, quality, safety, energy consumption, etc., formulate "scattered and polluted" enterprise and cluster remediation standards.Carry out pull-net-type investigation and establish a management ledger.In accordance with the principle of "stop first and then cure", implement classified disposal.Those listed in the category of shutting down and banning shall basically achieve "two cuts and three cleanups" (cutting off industrial water and electricity, and clearing raw materials, products, and production equipment); According to the principle of modernization, relocate to the industrial park and implement upgrading; if it is included in the upgrading category, establish an industry benchmark, implement clean production technology transformation, and comprehensively improve the level of pollution control.Establish a dynamic management mechanism for "scattered and polluted" enterprises, and resolutely put an end to the construction of "scattered and polluted" enterprise projects and the relocation and resurgence of "scattered and polluted" enterprises that have been banned.Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei and surrounding areas 2018will be fully completed by the end of the year; the Yangtze River Delta region and the Fenwei Plain 2019will be basically completed by the end of the year; and the whole country 2020will be basically completed by the end of the year.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take the lead, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Ministry of Natural Resources will participate.)

(7) Deepening the control of industrial pollution.Continue to promote the full compliance of industrial pollution sources, use the online monitoring data of flue gas as the basis for law enforcement, and increase penalties for exceeding the standard and joint punishment.Establish a corporate emission permit system covering all fixed pollution sources, 2020and complete the issuance of industry permits specified in the pollutant emission permit management directory before the end of the year.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

Promote the upgrading and transformation of pollution control in key key regions for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ).Special emission limits for air pollutants are fully implemented Promote the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation in iron and steel and other industries, and implement hood closure of coke ovens in key urban built-up areas, and collect and treat waste gas.Strengthen the control of fugitive emissions from industrial enterprises.Carry out inspections on fugitive emissions from key industries such as iron and steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, thermal power, coking, and foundry, as well as coal-fired boilers, establish a management ledger, and implement unorganized emissions in material (including waste residue) transportation, loading and unloading, storage, transfer, and technological processes. In- depth governance, 2018the governance tasks of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas will be basically completed by the end of the year, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Fenwei Plain 2019will be completed by the end of the year, and the whole country 2020will be basically completed by the end of the year.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, participated by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

Promote the circular transformation, standardized development, and quality and efficiency improvement of various parks.Vigorously promote the clean production of enterprises.Carry out centralized rectification of development zones, industrial parks, high-tech zones, etc., and carry out up-to-standard transformation within a time limit to reduce pollution in industrial agglomeration areas.Improve central heating facilities in the park and actively promote central heating.Conditional industrial agglomeration areas will build centralized spraying engineering centers, equipped with efficient pollution control facilities, to replace the independent spraying process of enterprises.(Led by the National Development and Reform Commission, participated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Commerce)

(8) Vigorously cultivate green environmental protection industries.Expand the scale of green industries, develop energy conservation and environmental protection industries, clean production industries, and clean energy industries, and cultivate new growth drivers.Actively support the cultivation of a group of internationally competitive large-scale energy-saving and environmental protection leading enterprises, support the construction of technological innovation capabilities of enterprises, accelerate the mastery of major key core technologies, and promote the industrialization and application of key technical equipment for atmospheric control.Actively implement overall solutions for energy conservation and environmental protection, accelerate the development of new business formats such as contract energy management, third-party governance of environmental pollution, and socialized monitoring, and cultivate a number of high-level, professional energy conservation and environmental protection service companies.(Led by the National Development and Reform Commission, participated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Science and Technology)

3. Accelerate the adjustment of the energy structure and build a clean, low-carbon and efficient energy system

(9) Effectively promote clean heating in northern regions.Adhere to the reality, electricity is suitable for electricity, gas is suitable for gas, coal is suitable for coal, and heat is suitable for heat, so as to ensure that the people in the northern region can stay warm for the winter.Concentrate resources to promote the control of scattered coal in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, Fenwei Plain and other regions, and give priority to the overall promotion of townships or districts and counties.2020Before the annual heating season, under the premise of ensuring energy supply, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, and the plain areas of the Fenwei Plain have basically completed the replacement of coal for living and heating in winter; for the mountainous areas that do not have the conditions for clean energy alternatives, actively promote clean energy coal, and strengthen the supervision of coal quality, and crack down on the sale and use of low-quality coal.The energy efficiency of gas wall-hung boilers shall not be lower than the first 2-class level.(The Energy Administration, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will take the lead, with the participation of the State Administration for Market Regulation, etc.)

Do a good job in building a natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system.Strive to make natural gas account for 2020of total energy consumption 10% .The newly added natural gas is given priority to the living of urban residents and areas with severe air pollution and the replacement of scattered coal for heating in winter."Coal-to-gas"Insist "to change with gas" to ensure safe construction, safe use, and safe management.The orderly development of natural gas peak shaving power stations, etc. can interrupt users, and in principle, no new natural gas cogeneration and natural gas chemical projects will be built.Complete the interconnection of natural gas pipeline networks within a limited time, and open up the "South-to-North Gas Transmission" gas transmission channel.Accelerate the construction of gas storage facilities. 2020Before the annual heating season, the reserve capacity of local governments, urban gas companies and upstream gas supply companies will meet the requirements of quantitative indicators.Establish and improve the list of users for peak shaving, and implement "repression of non-guaranteed people" during the heating season.(The National Development and Reform Commission and the Energy Administration will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

Speed ​​up the upgrading of rural "coal-to-electricity" power grids.Develop an implementation work plan.Power grid enterprises should coordinate and promote the construction of power transmission and transformation projects to meet the heating and electricity needs of residents.Encourage the promotion of regenerative electric heating.The local government should give support to the construction of "coal-to-electricity" supporting power grid projects, and coordinate "coal-to-electricity", "coal-to-gas" construction land.(The Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources)

(10) Continue to implement total coal consumption control in key regions.By this 2020year, the proportion of coal in the country's total energy consumption will drop to less than 58% ; the total coal consumption in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan provinces (municipalities) 2015will drop by 10% year-on-year , and the Yangtze River Delta region will drop by 5% . The plains achieved negative growth; new coal-consuming projects implemented coal reduction and substitution.In accordance with the principle of centralized use and clean utilization of coal, we will focus on reducing non-electrical coal consumption and increasing the proportion of 2020used for electricity coal .Continue to promote the replacement of coal and fuel oil with electricity, and the replacement scale will reach 1000more than 100 million kWh.(Led by the National Development and Reform Commission, participated by the Energy Bureau and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Formulate a special plan to vigorously eliminate and shut down 30coal-fired units below 10,000 kilowatts that fail to meet environmental protection, energy consumption, and safety standards.For the installed capacity, coal consumption and pollutant emission indicators of the shutdown units, trading or replacement is allowed, and the construction of ultra-low emission coal-fired units with equal capacity can be arranged.The key regions strictly control the newly installed capacity of coal-fired units, and the newly increased electricity consumption mainly depends on the non-fossil energy power generation and external power transmission in the region.The construction of key transmission channels will be completed within a time limit. On the premise of ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system, the 2020proportion of externally transmitted electricity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta 2017regions will increase significantly by the year.(The Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission take the lead, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment participates)

(11) Carry out comprehensive renovation of coal-fired boilers.Increase the elimination of small coal-fired boilers.In the built-up areas of cities at the county level and above, coal- basically be eliminated . 10boilers and tea stoves, commercial stoves, grain storage and drying equipment and other coal-fired facilities will 35fired In principle, other regions will no longer build 10coal-fired boilers below steam ton per hour.Cities that do not meet the air quality standards should further increase their elimination efforts.In key areas, coal-fired boilers with less than one ton of steam per hour have been basically eliminated , and all coal-fired boilers with a steam of 1,000 tons 35per hour 65and above have completed energy-saving and ultra-low emission transformation; gas-fired boilers have basically completed low-nitrogen transformation; and biomass boilers in urban built-up areas have implemented ultra-low emission transformation .(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State Administration for Market Regulation will take the lead, with participation from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Energy Administration.)

Increase the technical transformation of pure condensing units and cogeneration units, speed up the construction of heat supply pipe network, fully release and improve heat supply capacity, and eliminate coal-fired boilers and scattered coal within the coverage of the pipe network.In areas without cogeneration central heating conditions, where there are multiple coal-fired small boilers, large-capacity coal-fired boilers can be built in accordance with the principle of equal-capacity substitution.2020Before the end of the year, 30heating radius of 10,000 kilowatts and above cogeneration power plants in key areas will be shut down and integrated.15all coal-fired boilers and outdated coal-fired small thermal power plants within the (Energy Bureau, National Development and Reform Commission take the lead, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, etc. participate)

(12) Improve energy utilization efficiency.Continue to implement the dual control of total energy consumption and intensity.Improve the energy-saving standard system, vigorously develop and promote energy-saving and high-efficiency technologies and products, and achieve full coverage of energy-saving standards for key energy-using industries and equipment.The energy consumption per unit product (output value) of new high-energy-consuming projects in key areas should reach the international advanced level.Improve building energy conservation standards according to local conditions, increase the promotion of green buildings, and guide new buildings in qualified areas and cities to fully implement green building standards.Further improve the energy metering system, continue to promote the reform of heat supply metering, promote the energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings, and focus on promoting the energy-saving renovation of urban residential buildings in the northern heating area.Encourage the energy-saving renovation of rural housing.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the State Administration for Market Regulation take the lead, with participation from the Energy Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, etc.)

(13) Accelerate the development of clean energy and new energy.By this year, non-fossil energy will account for 2020of total energy consumption 15% .We will develop hydropower in an orderly manner, develop nuclear power safely and efficiently, optimize the development layout of wind energy and solar energy, and develop biomass energy and geothermal energy according to local conditions.Where resources are available, encourage the development of county-level biomass cogeneration, biomass briquette fuel boilers and bio-natural gas.Increase the consumption of renewable energy and basically solve the problems of abandoning water, wind and light.(The Energy Administration, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance are responsible)

4. Actively adjust the transportation structure and develop a green transportation system

(14) Optimizing and adjusting the structure of cargo transportation.Significantly increase the proportion of railway freight.By this 2020year, the national railway freight volume 2017will increase by 30% year-on-year , the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas will increase by 40% , the Yangtze River Delta region will increase by 10% , and the Fenwei Plain will increase by 25% .Vigorously promote sea-rail combined transportation, and the average annual growth of container rail-water combined transportation in key ports across the country is more than 10% .Formulate and implement an action plan for the adjustment of the transport structure.(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the Railway Administration, and the China Railway Corporation will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Promote the construction of key railway freight projects.Increase investment in the construction of freight railways, and speed up the completion of the construction of freight railways in Menghua, Tangcao, Shuicao, etc.Vigorously increase the coal transportation volume of Zhangtang, Washi and other railway lines.In the Bohai Rim region, Shandong Province, and the Yangtze River Delta region, before the end of the year, the main coastal ports and coal gathering ports of Tangshan Port and 2018Port will be transported by rail or water; 2020Huanghua In principle, bulk goods such as ore and coke are mainly transported by rail or water.Key enterprises such as iron and steel, electrolytic aluminum, electric power, and coking should speed up the construction of special railway lines, make full use of the existing special railway line capacity, and greatly increase the proportion of railway transportation, and 2020the annual key areas will reach more than 50% .(The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the Railway Administration, and the China Railway Corporation will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Vigorously develop multimodal transport.Relying on railway logistics bases, highway ports, coastal and inland river ports, etc., promote the construction of multimodal transport and trunk-branch connection type freight hubs (logistics parks), and accelerate the promotion of container multimodal transport.Build an urban green logistics system, and support the use of existing railway freight yards in cities to transform and upgrade logistics freight yards into urban distribution centers.Encourage the development of transportation organization methods such as river-sea combined transportation, river-sea direct transportation, ro-ro transportation, drop and pull transportation.Reduce the empty rate of cargo transportation.(The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport will take the lead, and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Railway Administration and China Railway Corporation will participate.)

(15) Speed ​​up the structural upgrading of vehicles and ships.Promote the use of new energy vehicles.2020The annual production and sales volume of new energy vehicles reaches 200about 10,000 units.Accelerate the use of new energy or clean energy vehicles in new and updated public transport, sanitation, postal, rental, commuter, light logistics and distribution vehicles in urban built-up areas, and the proportion of use in key areas will reach 80% ; New energy or clean energy vehicles are mainly used for adding or replacing work vehicles.2020Before the end of the year, all buses in the municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capitals, and built-up areas of cities under separate state planning will be replaced with new energy vehicles.Build centralized charging piles and fast charging piles in logistics distribution centers such as logistics parks, industrial parks, industrial parks, large commercial shopping centers, and farmers' wholesale markets.Provide convenience for new energy vehicles that undertake logistics and distribution in the city.(The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Transport will take the lead, and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Energy Administration, the Railway Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration, and China Railway Corporation will participate.)

Vigorously eliminate old vehicles.Economic compensation, restricted use, and strict over-standard emission supervision are adopted in key areas, vigorously promote the early elimination and replacement of diesel trucks operating with national three emission standards and below, and accelerate the elimination of old gas vehicles using lean burn technology and "oil-to-gas". .All localities have formulated and updated targets and implementation plans for the early elimination of operating diesel trucks and gas vehicles.By the end of the year, 2020medium- and heavy-duty diesel trucks will be phased out in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, as well as in the Fenwei Plain .From the 100more than 10,000 20197date of the year 1, the key regions, the Pearl River Delta region, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region will implement the National VI emission standards ahead of schedule.Promote the use of gas vehicles that meet the National VI emission standards.(The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Commerce)

Promote ship update and upgrade.20187date of 2008.1The first stage emission standards for newly produced marine engines will be fully implemented starting from the Promote the use of new energy or clean energy ships such as electricity and natural gas.Inland rivers in key areas such as the Yangtze River Delta region should take measures such as banning and restricting traffic, restrict the use of high-emission ships, and encourage the elimination 20of inland waterway shipping ships that have been in use for more than a year.(Led by the Ministry of Transport, participated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

(16) Accelerate the upgrading of oil product quality.Starting from the 20191date of the year 1, the country will fully supply gasoline and diesel for vehicles that meet the National VI standards, stop selling gasoline and diesel that are lower than the National VI standards, and realize the "three-fuel combination" of vehicle diesel, ordinary diesel, and some marine oil. Ordinary diesel standards will be implemented ahead of schedule in key regions, the Pearl River Delta region, and the Chengdu-Chongqing region.Before researching and selling, add fuel cleaning synergists that meet environmental protection requirements to gasoline and diesel for vehicles.(The Energy Administration and the Ministry of Finance will take the lead, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will participate.)

(17) Strengthen the prevention and control of mobile source pollution.Severely crack down on illegal activities such as new production and sales of motor vehicles that do not meet environmental protection standards.Strictly inspect the environmental protection devices of new cars, and carry out random inspections of environmental protection devices in new car sales, inspection, registration and other places to ensure the consistency of production of new car environmental protection devices.Cancel the local environmental protection standard announcement and catalog approval.Build a national motor vehicle excessive emission information database, trace the production and import enterprises, registration places, emission inspection agencies, maintenance units, transportation enterprises, etc.Promoting the in-depth treatment of old diesel vehicles, installing pollution control devices, equipped with real-time emission monitoring terminals, and networking with relevant departments such as the ecological environment to coordinate control of particulate matter and nitrogen oxide emissions, and those that meet the standards stably can be exempted from online emission inspections.Conditional cities regularly replace the three-way catalytic device of taxis.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Transport will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation.)

Strengthen the prevention and control of pollution from non-road mobile machinery and ships.Carry out a thorough investigation of non-road mobile machinery, delimit non-road mobile machinery low-emission control areas, and strictly control high-emission non-road mobile machinery, and complete the key areas 2019before the end of the year.Promote the clean transformation and elimination of construction machinery and port machinery that do not meet emission standards, and the newly added and replaced operating machinery at ports and airports in key areas mainly use clean energy or new energy.2019Before the end of the year, adjust and expand the scope of ship emission control areas to cover key coastal ports.Promote the renovation of inland ships, strengthen particulate emission control, and carry out pilot work to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs are responsible)

Promoting the use of shore power for ships and aircraft at port.Speed ​​up the construction of port terminals and airport shore power facilities, and increase the utilization rate of port terminals and airport shore power facilities.2020By the end of the year, more than 50% of the specialized berths (excluding dangerous goods berths) in major coastal ports will have the ability to supply shore power to ships.Simultaneous planning, design and construction of shore power facilities for new wharfs.The new and replacement of tugboats in coastal ports in key areas will give priority to the use of clean energy.Promote ground power to replace aircraft auxiliary power units, and key regional civil aviation airports mainly use shore power when aircraft are parked.(The Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Administration will take the lead, with the participation of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Energy Administration.)

5. Optimize and adjust the structure of land use and promote non-point source pollution control

(18) Implement windbreak and sand fixation greening projects.Build the ecological safety barrier of the northern sand control belt, focusing on strengthening the construction of the three-north shelter forest system, the management of sandstorm sources in Beijing and Tianjin, the greening of the Taihang Mountains, the protection of grasslands, and the windbreak and sand fixation.Promote conservation tillage, forest cover and other methods to restrain seasonal bare farmland dust.In the decommissioning, updating and adjustment of urban functions, the vacated space is given priority to be used for whitening and greening.Build urban greenways and green corridors, and implement "returning work to forests and grass".Vigorously improve the green coverage rate of urban built-up areas.(Led by the Ministry of Natural Resources, participated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Forestry and Grass Bureau)

(19) Promote comprehensive renovation of open-pit mines.A thorough investigation of open pit mines has been completed.Open-pit mines that violate the laws, regulations and planning of resources and environment, pollute the environment, damage the ecology, and excavate indiscriminately, shall be closed according to law; for open-pit mines with irregular pollution control, they shall be ordered to stop production for rectification according to law, and the rectification has been completed and passed the acceptance inspection organized by relevant departments. Production can be resumed later, and those who refuse to stop production or resume production without authorization are forcibly closed in accordance with the law; for open-pit mines where the responsible subject has lost, it is necessary to strengthen restoration and greening, and reduce dust and dust.In principle, new open-pit mine construction projects are prohibited in key areas.Strengthen the management of gangue mountains.(Led by the Ministry of Natural Resources and participated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

(20) Strengthen comprehensive dust management.Strict supervision of construction dust.2018Before the end of the year, all localities will establish a construction site management list.Steady development of prefabricated buildings according to local conditions.Incorporate the prevention and control of dust pollution on construction sites into the category of civilized construction management, establish a responsibility system for dust control, and include the cost of dust control in the project cost.Construction sites in key areas should implement enclosures around the site, material stacking and coverage, wet excavation operations, road hardening, vehicle cleaning in and out, and closed transportation of muck vehicles "six hundred percent", and online monitoring and video surveillance should be installed. equipment, and network with the relevant local authorities.Incorporate bad information about dust management work into the construction market credit management system, and if the circumstances are serious, it will be included in the "blacklist" of construction market entities.Strengthen the comprehensive control of road dust.Vigorously promote the mechanization of road cleaning and cleaning, and increase the rate of mechanized road cleaning. 2020Before the end of the year, the built-up area of ​​prefecture-level and above cities will reach more than 70% , and the county seat will reach more than 60% , and the key areas will be significantly improved.Strictly standardize the management of muck transport vehicles, and muck transport vehicles must be sealed.(Led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and participated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Implement dust control assessment in key areas.The average dustfall in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas and cities in the Fenwei Plain shall not be higher than 9ton /-month per square kilometer; in the Yangtze River Delta region, it shall not be higher than 5ton /-month per square kilometer, of which northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui shall not exceed 7ton /-month per square kilometer.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

(21) Strengthen comprehensive utilization of straw and control of ammonia emission.Effectively strengthen the management and control of straw burning ban, and strengthen the main responsibility of local governments at all levels to ban straw burning.Establish a grid-based supervision system in key areas, and carry out special inspections on straw burning during the summer and autumn harvest stages.The Northeast region should formulate a special work plan to strengthen scientific and orderly dredging in response to the problems of centralized straw burning in autumn and winter and centralized boiler start-up at the beginning of the heating season.Strictly prevent regional heavy pollution caused by open burning of straw.Adhere to the combination of blocking and dredging, increase policy support, and comprehensively strengthen the comprehensive utilization of straw. By this 2020year, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw across the country will reach 85% .(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission shall be responsible according to their duties)

Control ammonia emissions from agricultural sources.Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increase the use of organic fertilizers, and achieve negative growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.Improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers, and by 20202010, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas and the Yangtze River Delta region will reach more than 40% .Strengthen the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, improve the ventilation environment of the farm, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure, and reduce the emission of ammonia volatilization.(Led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and participated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

6. Implement major special actions to significantly reduce pollutant emissions

(22) Carry out key areas in the autumn and winter to attack the fortresses.Formulate and implement the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Fenwei Plain, an action plan for comprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter, and focus on reducing heavily polluted weather. The goals, tasks and measures are decomposed and implemented in the city.Each city should formulate specific implementation plans and urge enterprises to formulate implementation measures.The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas should take Beijing as the top priority, and the ambient air quality of the Xiongan New Area should strive to reach the same level as the southern part of Beijing.Coordinate the deployment of national environmental law enforcement forces, implement cross-local law enforcement and resident supervision, and ensure that various measures are in place.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will take the lead, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, and the Energy Administration will participate)

(23) Fight the tough battle of diesel truck pollution control.Formulate an action plan for the pollution control of diesel trucks, coordinate the management of oil, roads, and vehicles, and implement actions to clean diesel vehicles (machines), clean transportation, and clean oil products to ensure that the total pollution emissions from diesel trucks are significantly reduced.Strengthen the supervision and management of the production and sales, registration and use, inspection and maintenance of diesel trucks, establish an all-round monitoring system that integrates the world, vehicles and people, and implement the emission testing and compulsory maintenance system for in-use vehicles.All localities carried out multi-departmental joint law enforcement special operations.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration for Market Regulation will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Energy Administration.)

(24) Carry out special actions for industrial furnace and kiln governance.All localities have formulated implementation plans for comprehensive renovation of industrial furnaces and kilns.Carry out a net-type investigation, and establish a management list of various industrial furnaces and kilns.Formulate industry norms, revise and improve environmental protection, energy consumption and other standards related to various industrial furnaces and kilns, and improve emission standards in key areas.Increase the elimination of industrial furnaces and kilns that do not meet the standards, and accelerate the elimination of small and medium-sized gas generators.Encourage industrial furnaces to use clean energy such as electricity and natural gas or to supply heat from surrounding thermal power plants.Coal-fired hot blast stoves will be banned in key areas, and coal-fired heating and drying furnaces (kilns) within the coverage of the cogeneration heating pipe network will be basically eliminated 3; The rectification of coal gasifiers; industrial parks with concentrated use of coal gas generators, which are temporarily unable to switch to natural gas, should, in principle, build a unified clean coal-to-gas center; it is forbidden to mix high-sulfur petroleum coke.The management of industrial furnaces and kilns shall be regarded as the key task of strengthening environmental protection supervision, and all industrial furnaces and kilns that are not included in the list shall be included in the autumn and winter staggered production plan.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and participated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation)

(25) Implement a special VOCs rectification plan.Formulate comprehensive rectification plans for key such as petrochemicals, chemicals, industrial coating, packaging and printing, VOCs emission industries and oil storage, transportation and sales, issue leak detection and repair standards, and formulate VOCs treatment technical guidelines.The construction and use of solvent-based coatings, inks, adhesives and other projects with high prohibited in key areas VOCs content are , and efforts to control cooking fume are intensified.Carry out special law enforcement actions for VOCs rectification, crack down on illegal pollution discharges, publish a list of governance units with poor governance effect, weak technical service capabilities, and low level of operation and management, implement joint punishment, and support the cultivation of VOCs governance and professional services. Large-scale leading enterprises .2020In 2018, the total VOCs emissions 2015decreased by more than 10% compared with the previous year .(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, participated by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Energy Administration)

7. Strengthen regional joint prevention and control to effectively deal with heavily polluted weather

(26) Establish and improve the regional air pollution prevention and control coordination mechanism.Adjusted the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control cooperation group to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control leading group; established the Fen-Wei Plain air pollution prevention and control cooperation mechanism, included in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas air pollution prevention and control leading group for overall leadership ; Continue to play the role of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Air Pollution Prevention and Control Collaborative Group.Relevant collaboration mechanisms are responsible for studying and reviewing regional air pollution prevention and control implementation plans, annual plans, goals, major measures, as well as regional key industry development plans, major project construction and other important matters related to air pollution prevention and control, and deploying regional joint response to heavily polluted weather .(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

(27) Strengthen the emergency linkage of heavily polluted weather.Strengthen the capacity building of regional ambient air quality forecasting and forecasting centers. 2019By the end of the year , the ability to forecast weather will 7basis 10be achieved, and provincial forecasting centers will realize the ability of weather forecasting on a city-by-city 7.Carry out medium and long-term trend forecasting of ambient air quality.Improve the early warning classification standard system, distinguish emergency response standards in different regions and seasons, and unify emergency early warning standards within the same region.When it is predicted that there will be a large-scale heavy pollution weather in the region, early warning information will be issued uniformly, and each relevant city will initiate emergency response measures according to the level, and implement regional emergency linkage.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and participated by the Meteorological Bureau)

(28) Consolidate emergency emission reduction measures.Formulate and improve emergency plans for heavily polluted weather.Increase the proportion of pollutant emission reduction in the emergency plan. In principle, the emission reduction ratio of yellow, orange and red levels shall not be lower than 10% , 20% and 30% respectively .Refine the emergency emission reduction measures, implement them in each process link of the enterprise, and implement the list management of "one factory, one policy".During the warning period of heavy pollution weather of yellow and above, emergency transportation response shall be implemented for key vehicle enterprises involved in the transportation of bulk materials such as iron and steel, building materials, coking, non-ferrous metals, chemicals, and mines.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, participated by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

In key areas, peak-staggered production in key industries in autumn and winter will be implemented.Increase the production control of industrial enterprises in autumn and winter, and formulate off-peak production plans and implement differentiated management for high-emission industries such as steel, building materials, coking, foundry, nonferrous metals, and chemicals.It is necessary to refine the staggered production plan into the production line, process and equipment of the enterprise, and load it into the pollutant discharge permit.If the enterprise fails to complete the task of governance and transformation on time, it will be included in the local staggered production plan, and production will be suspended.If it falls into the restricted category of the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue", the ratio of peak shift and production restriction shall be increased or production shall be suspended.(The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment are responsible)

8. Improve the system of laws and regulations, and improve environmental and economic policies

(29) Improve the system of laws, regulations and standards.The study included VOCs in the scope of environmental protection tax collection.Formulate regulations on the management of pollutant discharge permits and regulations on the prevention and control of air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas.2019Before the end of the year, the formulation of mandatory national standards for the limits of VOCs content in products such as coatings, inks, adhesives, and cleaning agents completed be 20207will 1.Research and formulate quality standards for petroleum coke.Amend the relevant provisions on monitoring status in the Ambient Air Quality Standards to achieve international standards.Accelerate the formulation and revision of pollutant emission standards for key industries such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, daily glass, foundry, industrial coating, and catering oil fume, as well as VOCs fugitive emission control standards.Encourage localities to formulate and implement stricter pollutant discharge standards.Research and formulate fuel oil standards for large inland ships and stricter gasoline and diesel quality standards to reduce the content of olefins, aromatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Establish stricter air pollutant emission standards for motor vehicles, non-road mobile machinery and ships.Formulate the management measures for vehicle emission testing and compulsory maintenance, and revise the "Administrative Measures for the Recycling of Scrap Vehicles".(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Market Regulation will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Justice and the State Administration of Taxation)

(30) Broaden investment and financing channels.Financial expenditures at all levels should be tilted towards winning the battle to defend the blue sky.Increase the investment of special funds from the central government for air pollution prevention and control, expand the scope of pilot cities where the central government supports clean heating in winter in the northern region, and include the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, as well as the Fenwei Plain.Areas where the ambient air quality does not meet the standard should increase the investment in air pollution prevention and control.(Led by the Ministry of Finance and participated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment)

Support the construction of government-private partnership ( in the field of air pollution prevention and control in compliance with laws and regulations .PPP ) projects Encourage the development of contracted environmental services and promote third-party treatment of environmental pollution.Issue financial support policies for clean heating in northern regions, select qualified regions, and carry out pilot work of financial support for clean heating.Encourage policy and development financial institutions to provide credit support for eligible projects in the fields of air pollution prevention, clean heating and industrial upgrading within their business scope, and guide social capital investment.Support qualified financial institutions and enterprises to issue bonds and raise funds for air pollution control and energy-saving renovation.Include "coal-to-electricity" the supporting grid investment that exceeds the verification price investment into the next round of transmission and distribution price verification cycle, and calculate the allowable cost.(The Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the People's Bank of China will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.)

(31) Increase economic policy support.Establish a linkage mechanism between the central air pollution prevention and control special fund arrangement and the local ambient air quality improvement performance, and mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments to control air pollution.Improve the environmental credit evaluation system and implement cross-departmental joint rewards and punishments.Research will include tight gas into the scope of central government subsidies for exploitation and utilization, and adjust and improve the subsidy policy for unconventional natural gas with the goal of encouraging enterprises to increase winter supply.Research and formulate support policies for promoting the construction of gas storage and peak shaving facilities.Implement the time-of-use electricity price policy on the side of the grid, extend the duration of the valley period for heating electricity to 10more than one hour, support qualified regions to establish a market-based bidding and procurement mechanism for heating electricity, and participate in the transmission and distribution of electricity for heating electricity in the valley section of electricity market-oriented transactions The electricity price will be halved.In rural areas, the operating electricity price of the project using geothermal energy to heat (cool) residents shall be implemented with reference to the electricity price for residents.Improve the heating price mechanism and reasonably set clean heating prices.Improve the price formation mechanism for inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission, reduce the transmission and distribution price of additional power transmitted by special inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission projects that promote clean energy consumption, and optimize the allocation of power resources.Implement the ultra-low emission environmental protection electricity price for coal-fired power plants.Comprehensively clean up and cancel preferential electricity prices for high energy-consuming industries and various other unreasonable price preferential policies.Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for high-polluting, high-energy-consuming, low-output enterprises to implement differentiated electricity price and water price policies, significantly increase electricity prices for restricted and eliminated enterprises, and support localities to further increase the price increase.Increase support for ultra-low emission transformation in steel and other industries.Research and formulate "scattered and polluted" enterprise comprehensive management incentive policies.Further improve the market-oriented operation mechanism of freight prices, and scientifically regulate the costs at both ends.Vigorously support shore-based power supply at ports and airports, and reduce commercial electricity costs for shore-based power operators.Support vehicles, ships and operating machinery to use clean energy.Research and improve support policies for organic fertilizer production, sales, transportation and other links.Use the biomass power generation price policy to support the consumption and disposal of biomass resources such as straw.(The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance will take the lead, with participation from the Energy Administration, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Railway Administration, and China Railway Corporation.)

Increase tax policy support.Strictly implement the environmental protection tax law, and implement the preferential policies for corporate income tax credit for the purchase of special equipment for environmental protection.Research on preferential corporate income tax policies for third-party enterprises engaged in pollution prevention and control.Exempt vehicle purchase tax for eligible new energy vehicles, and continue to implement and improve the policy of reducing and exempting vehicle and vessel taxes for energy-saving, new energy vehicles and vessels.(Led by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, and participated by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Transport)

9. Strengthen basic capacity building and strictly enforce environmental law enforcement

(32) Improve the environmental monitoring and monitoring network.Strengthen ambient air quality monitoring, optimize, adjust and expand state-controlled ambient air quality monitoring sites.Strengthen the construction of automatic monitoring network for ambient air quality in districts and counties. 2020By the end of the year, districts and counties in the eastern and central districts and cities with severe air pollution in the western region will have full coverage of monitoring sites, and data will be directly linked with the China Environmental Monitoring Station.Ambient air quality monitoring stations are set up in national-level new areas, high-tech zones, key industrial parks and ports.To strengthen the monitoring of dustfall, 2018before the end of the year, set up monitoring points of dustfall in all districts and counties in key areas.Cities in key regions and other cities with serious ozone pollution shall carry out ambient air VOCs monitoring.In key areas, build a national atmospheric particulate matter component monitoring network, an atmospheric photochemical monitoring network, and a large-scale comprehensive observation network for the sky, earth and air of the atmospheric environment.Research and launch special satellites for atmospheric environment monitoring.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and participated by the National Defense Science and Industry Administration)

Strengthen the construction of automatic monitoring system for key pollution sources.Elevated sources with a height of more than one meter of exhaust outlets , as well as key 45such as petrochemicals, chemicals, packaging and printing, and industrial coating VOCs emission sources , will be included in the list of key pollutant discharge units, and enterprises will be urged to install automatic monitoring facilities for flue gas emissions. 2019By the end of the year, the key areas will be basically completed ; 2020Before the end of the year, the whole country will be basically completed.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

Strengthen the capacity building of mobile source emission supervision.Build and perfect the remote sensing monitoring network, the national-provincial-city three-level network of regular emission inspection agencies, build a remote monitoring system for the on-board diagnostic system of heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and strengthen on-site road inspections and parking lot supervision and sampling.2018Before the end of the year, a three-level networked remote sensing monitoring system platform will be built in key areas, and other areas 2019will be built before the end of the year.Promote the installation of real-time positioning and emission monitoring devices for construction machinery, and build an emission monitoring platform, which 2020will be basically completed by the end of the year in key areas.Research and establish a national motor vehicle pollution prevention and control center, and build a regional national motor vehicle emission testing laboratory.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will take the lead, with the participation of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of Science and Technology)

Strengthen monitoring data quality control.The operation and maintenance of automatic monitoring sites for ambient air quality in various development zones in cities, districts and counties are all received by the provincial environmental monitoring department.Strengthen the supervision of environmental monitoring and operation and maintenance institutions, establish mechanisms for quality control assessment and laboratory comparison, third-party quality control, credit rating, etc. "Whoever counts is responsible, whoever signs is responsible" is a responsibility traceability system.Carry out a special campaign for environmental monitoring data quality supervision and inspection, and severely punish the falsification of environmental monitoring data.Those who improperly intervene in environmental monitoring behaviors, those who do not operate and maintain monitoring agencies in place, tamper, forge, or interfere with monitoring data, and those who commit falsification by polluters, shall be severely punished in accordance with discipline and law, and shall be held accountable.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

(33) Strengthen the basic support of science and technology.Gather cross-departmental scientific research resources, organize excellent scientific research teams, and carry out technologies such as the causes of heavy air pollution in key regions and other regions such as Chengdu and Chongqing, the two-way feedback mechanism of heavy pollution accumulation and weather process, key industries and pollutant emission control technologies, and residents' health protection. Tough.Key projects such as the research on the causes and control technologies of air pollution, and the causes of heavy air pollution and tackling key problems should closely focus on the needs of winning the battle to defend the blue sky, and be guided by goals and problems, while researching, producing and applying at the same time.Strengthen the research on the regional ozone formation mechanism and control path, and deepen the research VOCs .and development of the whole process control and supervision technology of Carry out technical research on ultra-low emission transformation, pollution emission source control, multimodal cargo transportation, and clean combustion of internal combustion engines and boilers in steel and other industries.Regularly carry out the compilation of source emission inventories and source analysis in key regions and cities, and form the basic ability to dynamically trace pollution sources.Carry out research on ammonia emission and control technology.(Led by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and participated by the Health Commission, the Meteorological Bureau, and the State Administration for Market Regulation)

(34) Strengthen environmental law enforcement.Adhere to the iron-fisted pollution control, comprehensively use daily continuous punishment, seizure and seizure, production restriction and production suspension and other means to strictly punish environmental violations in accordance with the law, and strengthen the responsibility of polluters.Those who fail to obtain a pollutant discharge permit in accordance with the law or discharge pollutants in accordance with the permit shall be severely punished in accordance with laws and regulations.Strengthen the capacity building of environmental law enforcement at the district and county level.Innovate the method of environmental supervision, and promote the supervision of "double random, one public ".Strict environmental law enforcement inspections, carry out grid supervision of air pollution hotspots in key areas, strengthen environmental law enforcement such as industrial furnace emissions, industrial fugitive emissions, and VOCs pollution control, and severely crack down on "scattered and polluted" enterprises.Strengthen the connection between ecological environment law enforcement and criminal justice.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will take the lead and the Ministry of Public Security will participate)

Severely crack down on the production and sale of motor vehicles with substandard emissions and violations of information disclosure requirements, and revoke relevant enterprise vehicle product announcements, fuel consumption announcements, and mandatory product certification.Carry out joint enforcement of excessive emissions from vehicles in use, and establish and improve a joint supervision mechanism for inspections by environmental authorities, punishment by public security and traffic control departments, and supervision and maintenance by transportation departments.Severely crack down on illegal behaviors such as falsification, shielding and modification of vehicle environmental monitoring parameters by vehicle emission inspection agencies.Strengthen the quality supervision and management of oil production and sales enterprises, severely crack down on the production, sales, and use of substandard oil products and urea for vehicles, prohibit the sale of blended oil components in the name of chemical raw materials, prohibit the use of chemical raw materials to blend blended oils, and strictly prohibit transportation. Enterprises store and use non-standard oil, and resolutely ban black gas stations.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take the lead, and the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Market Regulation will participate)

(35) Carry out in-depth environmental protection inspections.Take air pollution prevention and control as an important part of the central environmental protection inspector and its "look back", and make overall arrangements for special inspections for key areas to consolidate the responsibilities of local governments and relevant departments.For cities with inadequate air pollution prevention and control, frequent occurrence of heavily polluted weather, and environmental quality improvement that fails to meet the progress requirements or even deteriorates, carry out mobile and acupoint-based special inspections to strengthen the accountability of inspectors.Comprehensively carry out provincial-level environmental protection inspections to achieve full coverage of local and municipal inspections.Establish and improve the "five-step method" supervision mechanism of investigation, assignment, verification, interview, and special inspection.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

X. Clearly implement the responsibilities of all parties and mobilize the whole society to participate extensively

(36) Strengthen organizational leadership.Relevant departments should, in accordance with the requirements of this action plan, further refine the division of labor tasks, formulate supporting policies and measures, and implement "one post with two responsibilities" in accordance with the principles of managing development, managing environmental protection, production, and industry.The implementation of relevant localities and departments has been included in the State Council's major inspections and related special inspections, strengthening praise and incentives for those who have achieved remarkable results, and serious accountability and accountability for mediocrity and laziness.Local governments at all levels should place a high priority on winning the battle to defend the blue sky. The main leaders are the first responsible persons in their respective administrative regions. They should effectively strengthen organizational leadership, formulate implementation plans, refine and decompose goals and tasks, scientifically arrange the progress of indicators, and prevent deviating from reality. Layer by layer, it is necessary to ensure that all work is completed in a strong and orderly manner.Improve the list of responsibilities of relevant departments and local governments at all levels, and improve the responsibility system.Establish and improve the "grid length" system in various places, compact the responsibilities of all parties, and implement it at every level.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment should strengthen overall planning and coordination, make regular schedules, and report to the State Council in a timely manner.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and participated by all relevant departments)

(37) Strict assessment and accountability.Take the completion of the annual and final goals and tasks of winning the blue sky defense battle as an important content, incorporate it into the evaluation of the effectiveness of the pollution prevention and control battle, and do a good job in the application of the evaluation results.For areas that do not pass the assessment, the higher-level ecological environment department and relevant departments will openly interview the main responsible person of the local government, implement regional environmental impact assessment and limit approval, and cancel the honorary title of ecological civilization awarded by the state.If it is found that the monitoring data has been tampered with or forged, the assessment result will be directly identified as unqualified, and the responsibility will be investigated according to discipline and law.For areas with ineffective work, inaccurate responsibilities, serious pollution, and prominent problems, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will openly interview the main responsible person of the local government.Formulate quantitative accountability measures, and implement quantitative accountability for key tasks that are not completed in place or environmental quality improvement is not in place.The advanced models that emerged in the work of winning the blue sky defense war will be commended and rewarded.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and participated by the Central Organization Department)

(38) Strengthen environmental information disclosure.All localities should strengthen the disclosure of ambient air quality information.Expand the scope of national urban ambient air quality rankings to include key regions and cities at the prefecture level and above in the Pearl River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing, and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, as well as other provincial capital cities, cities under separate state planning, etc. improvements .20of cities with the worst and best 20List All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) shall publish the ambient air quality rankings of cities at the inland level and above in their administrative regions, and encourage the ranking of the ambient air quality of districts and counties.All localities should disclose the emergency plans and emergency measures list for heavy pollution weather, and issue warning information for heavy pollution weather in a timely manner.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

Establish and improve the mandatory disclosure system of environmental protection information.Key pollutant discharge units shall promptly publish information such as self-monitoring and pollution discharge data, pollution control measures, response to heavily polluted weather, and penalties for environmental violations and rectification.Enterprises that have issued pollutant discharge licenses shall publish their implementation reports in a timely manner as required.Manufacturers and importers of motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery shall disclose environmental protection information such as emission inspection and pollution control technologies to the public in accordance with the law.(The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible)

(39) Build a national action pattern.Environmental governance is everyone's responsibility.Advocate the whole society "striving for the same breath", mobilize the forces of all parties in the society, group defense and group governance, and win the battle to defend the blue sky.The public is encouraged to report environmental violations through various channels.Establish the concept of green consumption, actively promote green procurement, and advocate a green and low-carbon lifestyle.Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises for pollution control, and central enterprises should play an exemplary and leading role in guiding green production.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and participated by all relevant departments)

Actively carry out various forms of publicity and education.Popularize the scientific knowledge of air pollution prevention and control, and incorporate it into the national education system and the training content of leading party and government cadres.All localities have established a publicity, guidance and coordination mechanism, released authoritative information, and responded to the hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses in a timely manner.The news media should give full play to the role of supervision and guidance, and actively publicize the laws and regulations, policy documents, work trends and experience and practices of atmospheric environment management.(Led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and participated by all relevant departments)

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