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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler, Ma Shiqing, Li Jing, Yan Wenxuan, were commended and rewarded by "Chief Technician""Gold Medal Worker"
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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler, Ma Shiqing, Li Jing, Yan Wenxuan, were commended and rewarded by "Chief Technician""Gold Medal Worker"

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2018-04-28      Origin: Site

Tongshan District held a grand celebration of "May 1" and "Blue Collar Talent" award ceremony
Jiangsu Sifang Boiler Ma Shiqing Li Jing Yan Wenxuan received
"Chief Technician""Gold Medal Worker" Commendation Award

       On the occasion of the "May 1" International Labor Day, Jiangsu Sifang Boiler has been commended for "National May 1st Labor Medal and Tongshan District" Chief Technician"Comrade Ma Shiqing, Xiangtongshan District"Gold Medal Worker" Comrades Li Jing and Yan Wenxuan expressed their congratulations, and paid high respect to all kinds of advanced personnel in various departments and positions who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Jiangsu Sifang Boiler for a long time, and to the management personnel who have worked hard inside and outside the company and in various positions. , All employees extend their cordial condolences. I hope that all employees of the company will actively respond to the call of the company's second entrepreneurship and high-quality development, play a strong voice in the era of model workers, carry forward the "Quartet Craftsman" spirit, and gather new strength in unity and progress; Create new achievements in catching up and surpassing; show new style in improving ability, use diligence and wisdom to compose a vigorous labor song, and use struggle and practice to paint the era of Jiangsu Quartet to accelerate high-quality development.

        Labor is the most glorious, and struggle is more exciting.On the morning of April 27th, on the eve of the May 1st International Labor Day, Tongshan District held a grand celebration "May Day" and "Blue Collar Talent" award ceremony in the studio hall of Tongshan TV Station.The main leaders of the district party committee, district people's congress, district government and district CPPCC attended the event.

      Ma Shiqing, director of the heavy-duty steam drum workshop of Jiangsu Sifang Boiler Production Department, and Li Jing and Yan Wenxuan of the pipe workshop were commended and rewarded by the honorary titles of "Chief Technician" and "Golden Worker" respectively.30 employee representatives from various departments of the company and representatives of workers from all walks of life in the region attended the award ceremony.

       The live broadcast stage in the studio hall, on the large combined color display screen, the VCR produced by the organizing committee, the award speech to Ma Shiqing: You use a welding gun to light up your life, and vividly interpret the "Tongshan craftsman spirit" in ordinary positions. Times connotation.Steel flowers splash in the sun, and 17 years of electric welding career has tempered the essence of your life.The dazzling sparks spewed from the muzzle, igniting the lightning of your dreams, stripped of materialistic desires, and you always abide by your own post.

 The live applause of the award ceremony was lively and lively, and the stage was brightly lit, radiant and beautiful.

       The chorus "We Workers Have Strength" opened the curtain of theatrical performance of the award ceremony. The cheerful rhythm and beautiful melody fully demonstrated the positive spirit of the people in the region; "National May 1st Labor Medal" winners Ma Shiqing, "Chief Technician", "Gold Medal Worker", and representatives of model workers appeared on the stage successively, VCR broadcast, and the host interviewed on the spot, telling ordinary but great stories in labor positions, which were touching and inspiring.

      The performances, such as sitcoms, poetry recitations, singing and dancing, solo singing, and choruses, truly praised the infinite greatness of the laborers, wrote a moving chapter of the laborers' passion and courage, and expressed the correct leadership of the people in the region in the party. , the joy of creating a better life; it embodies the majority of workers who are not afraid of difficulties, dedicated to their work, dare to fight and win, and their pride and ambition to build a "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new copper mountain.

The beautiful host interviews Ma Shiqing on the spot

District Party Secretary Wang Weifeng personally presented the award to Comrade Ma Shiqing and sincerely congratulated and encouraged him

Group photo of Secretary Wang Weifeng and "Chief Technician" winners

"Chief Technician"Ma Shiqing, "Gold Medal Worker"Li Jing, Yan Wenxuan honor side by side

 In the auditorium, the staff representatives of Sifang Boiler participated in the award ceremony

The beautiful and wonderful singing and dancing are dedicated to the glorious laborers

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