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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler 2017 Credit Management Demonstration Enterprise Creation Work Site Investigation Expert Group Visited and Instructed
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Jiangsu Sifang Boiler 2017 Credit Management Demonstration Enterprise Creation Work Site Investigation Expert Group Visited and Instructed

Views: 0     Author: Sifang Boiler     Publish Time: 2017-08-01      Origin: Site

      On August 1, the establishment of our company's 2017credit management demonstration enterprise ushered in the guidance of the on-site investigation expert group.In the morning 9, accompanied by the relevant responsible persons of Tongshan District Economic and Information Commission and District Credit Office, the person in charge of Xuzhou City Credit Office, the general manager of Dagong International Credit Rating Group Suqian Credit Information Service Co., Ltd. assigned by the Provincial Economic and Information Commission and the Provincial Credit Office. Representatives of Hu Bing and Xuzhou Shengbang Credit Management Co., Ltd. came to our company to conduct the first on-site investigation and review of the establishment work.Li Xuelin, deputy general manager, and the heads of the company's legal department, finance department, quality control department, engineering department, sales company, and human resources department received and reported the situation.

      In the company's 201conference room, the on-site investigation expert group listened to the PPT special report on the creation work, and conducted face-to-face consultation and understanding of the credit, credit, quality, engineering, human resources, safety and environmental protection of the companies involved in the creation of work.Subsequently, the expert group came to the main assembly line, flaw detection room, physical and chemical laboratory, etc. of the company's production workshop to collect data and understand the situation.The expert group fully affirmed that our company attaches great importance to and solidly promotes the creation work, and also briefly put forward guiding opinions and suggestions for further improvement and improvement.

      Since the beginning of the year, according to the "Opinions on Implementing the Demonstration Project of Credit Management for Ten Thousand Enterprises and One Hundred Enterprises" by the Provincial Economic and Information Commission and the Provincial Credit Office, our company has actively started and ordered the "creation of credit management demonstration enterprises" work.In order to ensure the quality of the creation work, Xuzhou Shengbang Credit Management Co., Ltd. was entrusted to implement dynamic evaluation, consultation and service operations in accordance with the unified arrangement of the Municipal Economic and Information Commission and the Municipal Credit Office.

      Credit is the premise of the healthy development of the economy and society, and it is a necessary condition for every enterprise, institution and social member to be based on the society.The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the construction of integrity.The Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that "put the construction of integrity in a prominent position, vigorously promote the construction of government affairs integrity, business integrity, social integrity and judicial credibility, promptly establish and improve a credit investigation system covering the whole society, and increase the prevention and control of dishonest behavior. The intensity of punishment has widely formed an atmosphere of honorable trustworthiness and shameful dishonesty in the whole society".

      In recent years, enterprise credit management has played an important supporting role for enterprises to fight crises, prevent risks, technological progress, transformation and upgrading, and innovation and development, and provide a good social credit environment guarantee for Jiangsu's "Two Pioneers".

      The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have always placed the construction of honest Jiangsu in an important position.The Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission and the Provincial Credit Office actively carried out the pilot work of enterprise credit management and achieved remarkable results.On this basis, during the "Twelfth Five-Year" period, the project of enterprise credit management "10,000 enterprises to implement standards, 100 enterprises to demonstrate" will be implemented, tens of thousands of enterprises that implement credit management standards will be cultivated 1, and provincial-level credit management model 100entrepreneurs will be created .

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